Candy-carrying Spiders

So, this year’s halloween decoration theme is: SPIDER’S LAIR :)

We just came up with it last weekend, and we thought it’s going to be fun to make. Aina and I paid a visit to the Art Friend and bought stuff to make little spiders. The plan is to make two large Spider Queens to greet the trick-or-treating kids and many, many Little Spiders carrying candies to give out to the little ghosts and ghouls.

And this is how we made the paper spiders carrying egg-sacks filled with candies… candy-carrier spiders :)

All we need:

  • Chenille (pipe-cleaner-looking thing) in dark colors… we got black and brown

  • Black paper in medium thickness. not too thin so that it can retain the shape.

  • White tissue paper (the light crêped paper, not the one for wiping)

  • Hole-puncher - optional…

  • Scissors + glue

Ari started with making a template for the spider’s body out of hard cardboard.


Once he’s done, he traced the body on to the black paper and Aina got to cut them out. Lately she’s getting better at cutting while following the lines, so this was good practice.


After the body is done, it’s time to attach the legs. Fold the chenille on to the waist of the spider, twist once and bend the leg. Repeat 3 times so that each spider has 3 sets of legs.


Using the hole-puncher, punch some paper (white, colored, whatever you like) and make two circles. Glue them to the head… and now your spider has a pair of eyes!


For the egg sack, fold a few candies inside the white tissue paper and attach the bundle onto the spider’s belly… I know it looks weird here in the picture, but it’s much cuter in real life.

the preparation

Now, we're ready for the creepy spider invasion... Welcome to the Spider's Lair! :) 

the making of paper spider

Oh, and as for the Spider Queen, we're not done yet... but here is the sneak peak :) 

the preparation


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  1. avatar
    thalia kamarga November 2, 2010 1:03 am

    @ranni - hehe, thank you! masih blum sempet nulis ttg liputan pesta nih. moga2 bbrp hari kedepan yaa :)

    @ninit - iya seruuu... coba elo sekeluarga masih disini :( aina tadi nanyain, kok bi ninit ga ada waktu trick or treat.

    @mila - aw, makasii mamanya megumi :)

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    Mila Nur Millah November 1, 2010 9:15 am

    cuma 2 kata bwt moms Thalia n fam :

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    ninit yunita November 1, 2010 6:36 am

    thaaal... seru banget sih spidersnya :) adit sukaaa banget. kemaren nyari kawat bulu tapi blm dapet euy...

    liat foto2 halloween kemaren seru yaaa :) asik!

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    Ranni Indrawati Irawan October 31, 2010 6:04 pm

    waaa, akhirnya baru skrg bs baca artikel DIY lengkapnya setelah mengikuti updatenya dr Twitter. kereeeeeen!! b(^^)d. ditunggu liputan pestanya :D :D

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    thalia kamarga October 31, 2010 12:27 am

    @ifa - kostumnya biasa aja kok... aina jadi minnie mouse, gue jadi mickey mouse :) rada ga nyambung ama spidernya sih... hehe.

    @eka - haha, takut ama laba2 ya? :P happy halloween juga!

    @chitra - yuuuk sini!

    @susan - hehe, udah jadi sekarang. sama aja kok kayak gitu, tapi ada 2, dan banyak spiderwebnya.

    @ditut - thank you! di kuwait ga ada halloween-an ya?

    @sukma - disini juga jarang sih... ini kebetulan aja di kompleks kita emang ada. seruuuu!

    @sitha - hihihi, spidernya cuma serem di foto doang kok... kalo liat aslinya, *rada* adorable :)

    @citta - happy halloween, mama speed!

    @sefa - pasukannya bawa permen lho! hihihi.

    @adhit - yay, thank you, dhit! oh, chenille ini bukan pipe-cleaner beneran. tapi yang kawat bulu itu, yang dipake buat bikin kakinya. biasanya di tempat alat2 craft banyak kok. warnanya juga macem... ada yang glitteran malah.

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