Nursing in Public? Why Not!

I breastfed my first daughter for two years. So I have the "know-how" in nursing her anytime, anywhere, whether I wore nursing clothes or not. So when my second daughter was born, I figured I would do just the same. Thank God that many nursing clothes today that are so cute, stylish and very easy to wear, like these nursing dresses from Sun Songs and Circus.

I know about Sun Songs and Circus since they opened a Shop at Mama's Mall. Their collections are so cute and do not look like nursing clothes at all. After I gave birth to my second daughter, I went to their shop to check out their latest collections. Yay, they just came out with simple dresses... and in batik patterns!

So here are some of the dresses that I wore while breastfeeding Neishia. In public places, why not? You couldn't even tell that I'm breastfeeding, can you?

The above was taken in Lollipops, Senayan City, while waiting for my first daughter playing in the playground. The slit in the middle bottom of the picture below is the opening for nursing. It's hidden and very discreet.

Below is another simple dress for a casual look on weekends. Such a pretty dress, right?


  1. avatar
    ade surya March 7, 2014 1:17 pm

    wih enak banget nih baru nemu baju kaya gini, nursing dress tpi tetep stylish ... :d patut di hunting nih hihihihi...

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    Pangastuti Sri Handayani June 27, 2012 11:36 am

    @Enya: Yang dikeluarin kan bukan PDnya, tapi cukup bagian nipple sampe areolanya aja, setelah bayi latch on sih ga usah dikeluar2in lagi bayinya tetep bisa minum kok :)

    Shin, samaan gue juga suka SSAC *toss* Enak dipakenya. Pas mo mesen gue BBM-an dulu untuk customized model yang gue suka, minta dibuat lengan panjang sambil diskusi bahan mana yang oke buat tiap model.

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    Indah Kurniaty May 29, 2012 4:00 pm

    bajunya lucu2...sebenernya pengen pake nursing clothes gituh..tapi agak2 g pede..takut PD-nya g muat untuk dikeluarin di slit..secara i have quite a big PD...bisa nyelip di slit-nya g ya kira2?

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    Farah Faizah May 25, 2012 7:42 pm

    bagus mba sinta bajunya, aihh tetep gaya walopun nyusuin.
    salam kenal mba sinta.

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    Siska Knoch May 23, 2012 3:46 pm

    tau foto yg pertama karena pas ketemuan sama mama shinta, dan awalnya ga nyangka itu nursing dress, pas ASI-in baby neishia baru 'ngeh' kalo ada akses untuk ASI hihi
    keren2 deh motif dan modelnya!

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