Tag: Money


Raising A $mart Kid by Rosina Simon

Raising A $mart Kid by Rosina Simon

Children who grow up with a good understanding of personal finance will always have an advantage in life. They know the principles. They know the basics. And they know the rules of the game.

Kids and Money - Use it for later

Kids and Money - Use it for later

We introduce the concept of savings, by stretching the money to be used "later" and "tomorrow". At the end, our Noe learned about delaying gratification, which is an important lesson in life.

Kids and Money – The Beginning

Kids and Money – The Beginning

When can you start teaching kids about money? While maintaining my daily household finances, I became intrigued with the question. There may be no hard and fast rules for that, but sooner or later, kids will encounter reality of life where money is one part of it. I hope to share my experience in teaching my kids about it in a series posts.

Spend with Love

Spend with Love

As parents, we want to give everything the best to our child. Here's some tips on how to fulfill your child's needs without spoiling them!