Aina's Halloween Costumes
I looove Halloween. It gives me an excuse to focus on making costumes for Aina — instead of doing work. I guess, dressing my kid in costumes have been a secret obsession of mine. These are the three Aina's Halloween Costumes for the past three years:
First Costume: Bruce Lee's Game of Death
It's a pretty famous costume, brought back by Uma Thurman on Kill Bill. But this one is not the Uma Thurman's version, because it was just easier to make a soft nunchuck than a soft sword… and I thought nunchucks are cuter on babies.

This one is made out of old yellow baby pajamas. All we had to do was to hand-sew the black stripes and make the nunchuck. It was done in a few hours.
Second Costume: Little Red Riding Hood
I was kinda busy during this time, so i took a short cut: an easy cape with a hood and a red skirt. It was a very fast project and Aina still wears the skirt as regular skirt. Little Red Riding Hood is also a perfect costume, because we already have a live prop: Koda as the wolf.

Third Costume: Bunny, loosely based on Dibo the Gift Dragon's Bunny
This one is the most complicated and the most fun costume to make. Aina was a huge fan of Bunny from Dibo series. She often imagine herself as Bunny. So I offered her the costume, which she was super excited about. Unfortunately, the fabric store ran out of pink fake-fur, so I had to improvise… blue and yellow it is.
The suit is hand-sewn: it's like making a stuffed animal, except that it is bigger and has a hole in the middle for aina to get in. The wire-framed ears are attached to a black headband. The feet are made out of a pair of old slippers… I sew the blue fur to cover the old stuff and add the strap on the back so that it doesn't come off easily.
We can't wait for the next Halloween!
Lucuuuk! Idem ama Eka komennya ;) Binggi emang istri binangkit hehee
Aina such a lucky girl *peyuk*
pgn punya anak perempuan deh biar bisa dimacem-macemin
istri binangkit itu bahasa sunda, sebutan buat ibu2 yang segala bisa.
pinter masak, pinter jahit, pinter betulin genténg.. dsb..dsb.. layaknya nenek moyang kita duluu.. keren lah pokoknya :-)
baju bruce lee lucu bangeettttt!!!!!
@chandra - iya, si bruce lee juga emang personal favorite...
@djemima - ihihi, thank you, dear... masa di mayestik ga ada sih? disana bukannya super lengkap? bikin baju bunny-nya serasa bikin hershey kisses gede banget. haha.
@meralda - mari mari, kursusnya di singapur tapi... :P
@riska - aina emang centil banget kalo liat kamera. langsung berasa fotomodel gitu... hu hu hu...
@rosi - ah, bisa lah. itu si bruce lee itu kan mestinya buat cowok. tapi emang kitanya pengen, ya udah dipakein itu aja, sebelum ainanya bisa protes. soalnya kalo sekarang pasti dia ga mau :P
@astrid - waaa, yofel fansnya dibo juga ya? pake kostum elo dong? apa dibo-nya? hihihi. hmm, boleh juga nih, ntar dicoba bikin tutorialnya baju bunny...
@otty - haha, makasiii. emang yang bruce lee itu personal favorite. ternyata anak umur 3-4 bulan cocok banget jadi bruce lee, soalnya demen nendang2 dan muter2in nunchaku-nya... hihihi.