The Urban Mama Member Gathering
Kopdar Jakarta
Ninit and I was actually in Jakarta on the first unofficial TUM gathering in Jakarta on April 21st. We were there for our personal visits to Jakarta, just so happened that we at the same time and the gathering was scheduled around the time we were there. Unfortunately, Ninit couldn't make it, but I was lucky enough to be able to meet the Urban Mamas Jakarta in person, eventhough I was late and could only stay for a little bit (everybody was ready to leave when I came!). Nonetheless, I had a good time chatting and meeting everyone. My first impression was.. "Wow, they are young parents and definitely very very hands-on about parenting" because everyone either came only with their baby, or taking along the husband, not the babysitter. It just breaks my perception of Jakarta's parents who are always out with their babysitter in tow (not that there's anything wrong with that, really!)
This first unofficial TUM's "Kopdar" in Jakarta was held in Platinum Resto Pondok Indah Mall. Here are some of the pictures taken that day (from my own camera and also taken by BundanyaLana). It was super fun! I just wished I was there from the beginning, but it was definitely nice to see all of you and all the urban kids who are even much cuter in person.

The Urban Mamas and their strollers in tow :) - this is taken at the end, many have left the meeting point.

Kopdar Surabaya
Otty, our forum moderator, organized TUM's Kopdar in Surabaya. It was held in May 22nd in Dome, Sutos. Otty, Mama Toto, and Dini attended the event.

Since all of us, the founding Mamas, live in Singapore, we can only read the stories, reports and pictures from the Urban Mamas' gathering in other cities. Although, we always have gathering in Singapore, but that doesn't count, cuz we always meet up for any reasons.. haha!
Soon, this will change. Next month, Ninit is moving back to Jakarta after 3 years living in Singapore. So, please expect more offline events from The Urban Mama :) . We - Thalia and I - will definitely miss her in our playdate sessions in Singapore.
More sharing on Playdates & Gatherings in our forum thread, here.
Telat mau comment disini, Mama Toto ada turunan Jepang ya? :O
Cantik yah..
Nyesel banget gak bisa ikutan..Insya Allah yang di acara goelali fest ikutan..:)
Nyesel banget gak bisa ikutan..Insya Allah yang di acara goelali fest ikutan..:)
@cherish: itu mau ada lagi kopdaran di jakarta pas acara goelali fest.
@fanny: next year kalo ke jakarta kan udah ada ninit! mesti dong ikut kopdaran.. hehe..
ah aku nyesal gak ikutan padahal pas di jktttt.. huhuhu
next year deh! janji.. bikin lagi ahahaha