Editors Corner

Koda and Cancer


This is Koda. She's my dog, and she's 9 years old... Two years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer, called Mast Cell Tumor, and had to go through an operation to lift out the cancer. The operation was not successful, the cancer is still in her.

after the surgery

Ari and I often said that Koda is our first child. We adopted her from a shelter two years before the birth of Aina, which makes Koda Aina's older sister. And, naturally, it's really heart-breaking when we found out that Koda has cancer. I still cry whenever I think about it... (in fact, I sheds some tears when typing the last sentence).

i'm taller than koda!

But, of course, behind every bad news there's always some good things that can come out of it. We, as a family, have learnt a lot from this.

First, eating healthy. As soon as we found out about the cancer, we switched Koda's intake from processed food (kibbles and canned food) to real, fresh food. They said, the chemical content in the processed food can cause cancer. We also eliminated red meat, and gave her chicken, fish, eggs and lots of vegetables (carrots, pumpkins, greens). And the change was amazing. Prior to the switch, Koda was at her lowest: she barely had any fur, she was full of ticks, and they didn't go away with tick medicines. We struggled for about 3-4 months trying to get rid of the ticks before we found out that it was the cancer that caused her crashing immune system, which was the root of the ticks problem.

Two days after we switched her diet (with additional vitamins and supplements), the ticks were gone! All gone! And slowly, Koda's fur started to grow. This was two years ago... And we realized how good fresh and real food are. Maybe Koda is genetically prone to cancer, but maybe we, the humans, should also try to avoid those over-processed food as well. Maybe it will spare us from illness and cancers.

Second, a little bit of exercise everyday does the body good. When Koda was still healthy, she didn't smell at all. We bathed her once every 4-6 months, and she still didn't smell. But after she got the MCT, her skin is constantly infected with some kind of fungus. We had to bathe her at least once a week with diluted apple cider vinegar to keep the fungus from spreading. And if we don't take her out for a walk once a day, she will smell even more. I don't know what it is, but usually after a half-an-hour to one-hour walk, her smell disappears... and she's happier, too, all smiley and energized. Her walk is her exercise. So, even though Koda is sick, she still needs her walk to make her happy and healthy.

I think, just like Koda, we also need about 30 minutes to an hour of being active once a day. Taking some gym clases if time permits or maybe just walk or jog around the neighborhood. I think it makes us not only healthier, but happier too. Putting smiles on our faces and getting rid of lethargy.

sharing spaces

Third, Aina is learning about compassion and taking care of things out of love. It's easy to play and love a dog that is cute and healthy and ignore the non-fun things. After we found out about the cancer, we told Aina all about it. That Koda is not healthy, and she might pass away from the illness. She will sometimes lose her bladder control become unable to hold her pee in her sleep. She'll get skinnier and and balder, to the point that Koda is not cute anymore. That things will deteriorate slowly. We have to be patient with her.

Maybe it's because Aina is old enough to understand, Aina and Koda's relationship is now at its best. They actually listen to each other. They miss each other. Aina can now take Koda on a leash around the neighborhood, and Koda will listen to her commands. And when Koda needs something, like if she needs to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she would wake Aina up (nudging Aina's face with her wet nose) to ask her to open the kitchen door for her.

she's breaking my heart (pt. 2)...

We still don't know what's going to happen. All we can do now is to continue to love Koda as much as we did before she got sick, take care of her even though she's bald, skinny and smelly, and make her happy everyday, as much as she keeps me happy and sane during my tough times.


  1. avatar
    5andranova December 11, 2014 9:44 am

    Sediiiih.... Koda yang kuat ya!! Semoga diberikan kesembuhan & cepet bugar lagi :-*

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  2. avatar
    Astrid Lim November 10, 2014 1:27 pm

    thal, i lost my golden retrievers, 3 of them, because of cancer. so i really really feel you! be strong and tough, everything happens for a reason :) kisses and hugs for koda and hopefully she'll get better and better.

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  3. avatar
    thalia kamarga October 31, 2014 3:18 pm

    aduh, makasiii semuanya... dan makasii atas doa2nya. semoga kami bisa bikin koda senang... katanya kalo senang, umur jadi panjang, kan? @lide - seneng deh baca komen ini. jadi ada harapan... semoga koda sekuat spotty yaaaa!

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  4. avatar
    zata ligouw October 31, 2014 8:21 am

    aaa..terharu, Aina dan Koda gantian saling menjaga gitu yaa..

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    aprina dwi pancari October 24, 2014 10:01 am

    *nangis* love Koda. Cepet sembuh ya Koda

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  6. avatar
    yennisant October 23, 2014 9:59 am

    get well soon koda.. ikutan sedih bacanya.. koda pasti bahagia punya keluarga yg sayang banget sama dia

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  7. avatar
    rera annisa putri October 17, 2014 8:02 pm

    hiks :( get well soon koda!!! never give upppp yaaaa .. thanks for sharing mbak :)

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  8. avatar
    thea rizkia October 16, 2014 5:36 pm

    huhu koda...semoga benar2 bisa pulih ya, thal

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  9. avatar
    hanana fajar October 16, 2014 2:45 pm

    terharu:( Koda semoga yang terbaik ya... suka liat foto Koda dan Aina diatas:)

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  10. avatar
    natalia cyndi October 16, 2014 2:38 pm

    Sabar ya mba Thalia, God must be send Koda to your family because your fam as special as Koda :) semangat Koda!

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  11. avatar
    Mirma Yudha October 15, 2014 9:24 am

    huhuuuu.. sedih bacanya :( semoga Koda cepat sehat kembali yaa..

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    livia diepenhorst October 14, 2014 9:32 am

    mom thal,koda's story reminds me of my late daschund "Spoty". Doctor told us that she won't live long as most daschund are but guess what, she lives a happy life until she died peacefully last year at the age of 17. So "dokter boleh berdiagnosa, Tuhan yang menentukan". Gambate Koda !!!!

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  13. avatar
    Gabriella F October 9, 2014 9:53 pm

    TFS ya Thal... bacanya sedih banget, semoga Koda makin segar dan kuat ya...

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    jamesneil October 9, 2014 2:05 pm

    hiks hiks koda pasti sembuh ya, lop u koda

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  15. avatar
    retno October 9, 2014 10:45 am

    makasih dah sharing, biarpun bacanya sedih tp inspiratif banget. byk pelajaran yg bs diambil dari cerita Koda. tetap semangat ya...

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  16. avatar
    musdalifa anas October 8, 2014 3:15 pm

    huhu sedih bacanya thal. cepat sembuh lagi ya koda, hiks gak tega liat foto terakhir, kurus banget thal.

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  17. avatar
    shinta lestari October 8, 2014 2:50 pm

    awww.. ceritanya baguuuss dan bikin terharuu! dan ada moral of the storynya, which is.. kalo anjing aja makan makanan begitu bisa sakit, apalagi manusia yaa. emang hidup sehat itu penting, makan makanan dengan gizi dan nutrisi seimbang dan olahraga. it's so heartwarming knowing that you get to learn that from koda. she's like your angel! semoga koda tetap sehat yaa! paling gak sekarang udah gak sekurus kemaren2 loh thal.. lebih segeran.

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  18. avatar
    Rosa Adelina October 8, 2014 1:49 pm

    mama thalia, ini ceritanya sungguh mengharukan dan indah sekali :') apalagi Koda dan Aina seperti tumbuh bersama :) get well soon ya Koda

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  19. avatar
    thalia kamarga October 8, 2014 10:47 am

    aww, makasii mama2... jadi numpang curhat disini, hihihi. amiiin, semoga koda tetep kuat :D

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  20. avatar
    Siska Knoch October 8, 2014 8:30 am

    Gws koda.. huhuhu sedih banget bacanya, tapi thal hebat, masih bisa komitmen buat tetep sayang koda dari cute ampe kayak skr :') and sure, koda is very lucky to have you as her "mom"

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  21. avatar
    Cindy Vania October 8, 2014 7:56 am

    bacanya hampir mewek.. gws ya koda :* setuju sama teh eka, kalo olahraga bisa bikin happy dan mudah2an bisa membantu kesembuhan.

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  22. avatar
    Eka Gobel October 8, 2014 7:21 am

    huhu sedih banget! semoga koda lekas sehat ya.. iya ya,jalan2 memang bikin happy & percepat kesembuhan.

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  23. avatar
    ninit yunita October 8, 2014 6:57 am

    huhuhu... get well soon yaaah koda :') see you in december yaaah. thanks ya thal udah berbagi cerita ttg koda.

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