Tag: Zaralde


Red Is Also For Boys

Red Is Also For Boys

Warna merah tidak hanya cocok untuk anak perempuan, anak laki-lakipun dapat tetap terlihat tampan dengan warna merah.

Modern Mama:  The Modern Kartini

Modern Mama: The Modern Kartini

We're embracing April in honor to the birth of Ibu Kartini and what she has accomplished for Indonesian women by holding a "Modern Mama" contest. Here are the winners!!

Modern Mama:  Here are the Top Pictures!

Modern Mama: Here are the Top Pictures!

Ready to vote for TUM's version of Modern Mama? Here are the top pictures!

What's in Enzo & Dante's Diaper Bag

What's in Enzo & Dante's Diaper Bag

Diaper bag-nya sengaja dipilih yang besar Kenapa? Agar semua kebutuhan Enzo, Dante, dan saya bisa masuk dalam satu tas.

Blue Is (Not Always) For Boys

Blue Is (Not Always) For Boys

Who says you can only dress boys in blue? Little girl can wear them too and still be girly :)

When It's Cold Outside

When It's Cold Outside

Beberapa hari yang lalu, kami pergi untuk dinner di plaza di dekat rumah. Ini lah style kami saat malam di Singapura sedikit dingin dan berangin kencang.

Muti's Diaper Bag

Muti's Diaper Bag

This beautiful mama is sharing what's inside her diaper bag.