Bugaboo Bee+
Selasa, 06 Maret 2012
I am a big fan of cute strollers since I don’t know when. I’ve been crazy about this bugaboo bee for quite sometimes and lucky me, my dearie husband bought me one as my birthday present last 2010. The one I have is the latest line for Bugaboo bee called Bugaboo Bee+ or Bugaboo Bee 2010, basically the just improved some old features of earlier Bee editions.
- Stylish, err... should I explain more?!
- The manoeuvre is superb! It rolls easily in both smooth and rough surfaces. Like they said, it pushes like a dream *smile*
- Reversible seat direction. The direction of the seat can be set either forward or rear facing.

Keira: forward facing; Nadine: rear facing
- Height adjustable handle-bar
- Adjustable seat height, with wider seating space. It gives more room and long use for your stroller.
- Seat reclines to 3 positions. We, especially Nadine, love the (almost) complete flat one.
- Large under seat basket
- Exchangeable hoods with assorted colours.
- Expensive, compare to the older version
- Not an umbrella stroller
- The wheels are a bit slippery so it is a bit tricky if you want to take it to the escalator. Actually, no stroller is designed to for escalator usage, so better use an elevator to travel storey by storey.
- Weigh about 7-8kgs; to me it is not quite a lightweight stroller as they promote it to be.
- Expensive add-ons, and spare parts are shipped from the Netherlands directly by order(s) should you need to exchange anything. But great after sales service.
Personal Experience:
Love it from the first try; I think it’s a well-designed city stroller. We bought the wheeled-board upon Nadine’s arrival to slightly modify it into a ‘double-stroller’.
Verdict: Keira loves it and sometimes when she said she’s too lazy to stand or walk by herself, I can ask her to share with her baby sister with arrangement like this.
This is how we utilize the wheeled-board
I am glad that we decided to bring this during our last overseas trip (and still consider bringing it with two kids on tow for the next trip). It is not a very lightweight stroller but it handled long day trips walking around cities with different types of pavement perfectly, hail to its sturdiness!! Not to mention all the adornment and silent compliments we received! Ahahaha...
Hi Mba rani.. mau tanya beli wheeled boardnya dimana ya ?? ada di jakarta ? aku juga lagi nyari nih.. thanks ya..
Hi mbak rani. Bee nya bisa dibawa sampai gate kan kalau naik pesawat? soalnya kan bukan umbrella stroller gitu.
love this stroller too :)
Ini stroller idaman setiap ibu!
Love this stroller too ;) pas juga buat travelling meskipun ga seenteng yg memang khusus travelling :p hehehe.. Sbelum pny yg bee belinya yg cameleon, tapi kok jadi ribet bawanya? Hihi..yg cameleon dijual trus ganti yg bee deeehh.. :)
dulu juga naksir yg cameleon, tapi nampak ribet aja kalo dibawa jalan. akhirnya beli bee aja deh yg lebih gampang buat dipake di kota semacem singapur sini.