Inside a Playgrouper's School Bag
At 27 months old, Naia has been going to school (which actually is a daycare center) for 5 months already, in a playgroup class. She goes to school 5 days a week for 3 hours a day. I usually drop her off at school in the morning before I go to work and her babysitter would pick her up from school at noon, after she finishes her lunch time at school.
Her ride home by bus is her favorite time of the day and she would carry her own bag like a big girl. But, what would a playgrouper carry inside her school bag? After all, she's not exactly know how to read or write yet :) So, here they are:

- Barney School Bag
- Barney Water Bottle
- Tommee Tippee Bottle for her milk
- A pair of clothes change: a tank top, a t-shirt & shorts
- Training undies
- A diaper
- Wet wipes
- Handkerchief (in case she has a runny nose)
- Communication book (not in the picture)
Evethough, she hardly comes home with changed of clothings, we always ensure that they're inside her bag, cuz we'll never know if she needs it. Sometimes, the school would have an arts & crafts sessions where they play with paints or any other fun stuffs that would require her to change afterwards.
And eventhough Naia is already toilet trained, we'd still throw in a diaper, just in case, though actually the same diaper has never been used for months now.
So, that's it! Naia is really enjoying her time at school now and sometimes, she'd carry one of her dolls with her to school, like Barney, Baby Bop, or in this picture .. BJ! :)

If you want to share an article of your kid's urban little gears (ie. strollers, school bags, car seats, even diaper bags) please share them here.
Masuk cuma 3x seminggu, biar Lana gk bosenan :)
@laundry_service: lana masuk PG nya tiap hari nda?
@eka: iya itu seragam PG nya. sebenernya ada 3 macem, kaos + celana pendek, polo shirt + celana pendek, sama yang rok ini. dulce maria apa sih?
@mamanisa: udah tante, dari umur 22bln :) buat maen2 aja daripada di rumah cuma beduaan ama mbaknya, biar sosialisasi. sekolahnya di cherie hearts.
udah masuk sekolah yaa.. cantik, kyk mamanya :)
skulnya dmana?
naia, itu seragam PG-nya?
kayak dulce maria deh :)
Mb'Shinta, senangnya Naia udah betah yaa skulnya, sampe gk mau pulang gitu, hehee..
Lana juga udah masuk PG, di Tumble Tots.. :)