Pilo Pilo Goodies: Handmade With Love

Pilo Pilo Goodies



email: [email protected]
HP : 0811 991 8801
Tel : (021) 4683 0672

During my visit to Jakarta last month, Ninit gave me two colorful bags: one for Aina, another one with Naia's name on it.

I squealed, "So cuuuuuute!" upon receiving the two bags. At the beginning, I thought the bag would be too big for Aina. But she liked the bunny so much that she insisted to wear it... "It even has my name on it. see, A-I-N-A!". Yes, dear... So, it is now served as her ballet tote that she carries around to her ballet lesson.

Upon seeing the Pilo Pilo Goodies website, I realize that they mostly make handmade goodies with personal touches, like embroidery names or characters. There are all kinds of things: pillows and bolsters with your kids names, quilted bags with animal patches, amigurumi (crocheted animal/caracters)... you name it.

You can even order personalized towels for a birthday gift, or fabric goodie bags for your kids birthday with his/her name on the bag. So cute! And they are well-made, too!

Naia seems to like hers too... Shinta told me she's been using it as her school bag. Cute, isn't it?

Urban Mama ingin mendapatkan handmade items dari Pilo Pilo Goodies? Yuk ikuti quiznya di twitter dan follow twitter kami di @theurbanmama.


  1. avatar
    Siska Knoch February 2, 2011 10:53 am

    Lucu-lucu banget ya produknya Pilo Pilo ini.
    Sukses terus yaaa :)

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    Pilo Pilo Goodies January 26, 2011 10:34 am

    Dear all, thanks so much for your nice words. I'm super D duper Ge-eR right now. Looking forward to make goody for your dear one. Cheers.

    1. avatar
      herlina achmad January 27, 2011 1:17 pm

      tadi mlm aq mimpiin amigurumi loh hihihi3x kebawa mimpi.

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    trias kelly January 25, 2011 3:26 pm


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    Ann January 25, 2011 3:08 pm

    duhhhh lucu2 banget nih Thal....boleh ikutan review ga beberapa online shop handmade langgananku?

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      thalia kamarga January 25, 2011 3:31 pm

      eh, boleh dong, ann... submit aja artikel reviewnya! ditunggu lho!!

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    bundanaya January 25, 2011 2:10 pm

    workshop-nya deket kantor nih, kapan2 mampir ah

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