Raising Eco-Friendly "Green" Kids

I always love to share and teach my kids how to be eco-friendly kids and always care about their environment.
Because I believe the future of the world rests in our children's hand. So introduction from young is more easier to plan a good habit untill they grow up later. The ultimate decision rests with them, But we can start them on the path of living eco-friendly lifestyle while they are still young.
Here are some ways I always teach my kids to be Eco-Friendly. Some activities we may do in direct and less direct. But they all have one thing in common - It will give my kids a better sense of the world we live in and how to keep it green.
- Don't wasteful of electricity - While they playing don't turn on TV. After leaving the room, make sure turning off the lights and televisions.
- Plastic Bags - Minimize using/take any plastic bag when they go to mini market. Now they can follow me, they can take bag from home and when they buy something, they can put in their bag. So no need to take plastic bag from the mini market and sometime when they forgot to take their bag, they can ask the cashier not to give them any plastic, their more prefer to carry it.
- When doing art work activities, I always try to use recycle paper (such as brochure, paper milk cartoon, tin, mineral water bottle, and etc ), something can we use to make some cute art work.
- Not to waste water. One time when my helper forgot to switch on water pum, and suddenly our water is drained, the kids so panic. because they can wash their hand, and go to bath. And use this occasional, I explain them if their always waste water, we can be like this everyday. From that time they always use water very very careful. When they open faucet, they always make smallest water flow.
- Toilet Tissue - Kids always love to play tissue. Not in restaurant, at home,in the toilet. They love it so much. But I always remind them all the stuff we have, or people have we can not waste it, we need money to buy it. And Tissue we take is from a big tree. When you waste one tissue, you will make one Tree disappear and our world will bold like grandpa head. And my daughter can say, "Yeakkk...very ugly!"
Each one of us a cause of Global warming, But each of us can make choice to change that. Go Green - Save the planet. So we are being parents have a big big big responsibility to make this world better place for our next generation.
And here is some quick tip how we can make it happened, the key is: Consistency, Patient, Good example, and don't forget to reward them.
And by this, I hope I can inspire others to live green too.
More ideas on green living can be found in the forum thread of "TUM Go Green Campaign" that we had last year, you may share more of your ideas there too.
sya suka artikel ini,saya juga mengajarkan kepada anak saya Amanda (2.9th)dari sedini mungkin,untuk buang sampah pada tempatnya.
i like this quote “Each one of us a cause of Global warming, But each of us can make choice to change that" , kata2nya si AL-GORE dalam An Inconvenient Truth ya? :)
buat nambahin dari tips2 go green dr liz palmer nih :
salam go green :)
Hai all kind mommies,
Salam kenal yaaa ! YaaaYY...
I know we can make this better world for our kiddos future
Sherlly Wu
tfs mama Sherlly :) Udah mulai kok melakukan hal kecil untuk go-green.
tfs, love the tips mama!
setuju sama mama shinta, pencegahan global warming itu harus jadi andil kita masing-masing. let's create a healthier and green life for our children.