Red Macaroni Schotel
Turned out that dairy product doesn’t fit to Raka’s lil tummy, I changed the milk ingredient with coconut milk. It actually tasted as good as if it uses milk.
- Macaroni (I use 3 spoon of macaroni)
- Red Spinach, chopped
- 100g Minced Beef
- 1 cup Coconut Milk
- 1 Egg
- 2 small Onion, chopped
- 1 Garlic clove
- Salt and Sugar and Pepper
- Basil (or other herbs leaves)
- Olive oil
- Cheese, the melted the better
How to:
- Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and grease the baking pan with butter or margarine.
- Cook the macaroni in a boiling salted water until al dente, as directed.
- In a pan, melt the olive oil, add onion and garlic, cook for about 2 minutes, add the minced beef. Then add the coconut milk, stir occasionally while add the salt, sugar, pepper, and the herbs.
- Beat the egg in a small bowl.
- In a separate bowl, combine macaroni, beef mixture, egg, and chopped red spinach.
- Spread the final mixture into baking pan, layer with cheese.
- Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

selly_03 takaran sy 1 cup utk 200 ml mom
mama shafa marwa sy pakainya santan merk k*ra itu mom..heheh
coconut milk yg kaya gimana mamasima?
1 cup brp ml y??
@baiq_intan Monggoo silahkaan :D
@Bunda MedinaMecca Iyaa, bahkan bisa sayuran apa aja sih yg dimasukkan ke resep (Maklum mamanya gila sayur hihi)
@Ovi syarif oh iyaa Mom, aku lupa banget nulis itu optional huhu maaf, dan aku pakainya sedikit, cuma untuk pemanis hidangan aja ;)
@Maul Bisa Mom, bisa dikukus jg kok :)
Hi..mamasima.. pardon me, seems u've wrote that lil raka cant eat dairy prod. So , why theres a melted cheese on the recipe?
Well.. anak ku juga alergi dairy soalnya, dan susah cari cemilan yg enak non dairy product