Toy Paleontologist
I was watching a show about dinosaurs on TV a few days ago with my daughter, and she asked questions on why dinosaurs are no more and what the paelontologist were doing digging the ground and smashing rocks.
It got me thinking of an activity for Vira related to the dinosaur paleontology. I took some of her toys this morning and put them inside a container which I filled with water and placed them in the freezer.

Later I looked for things that will drive her imagination. I got my grandfather's old hat from the attic, it looks like an explorer hat. After the freezing process, I gathered the hat, ice block of toys, a fork and a small hammer.
Before we got started, I told her a story about the lost toys. "We need to find them!" I said to her, and then made her wear the hat. We walked around the house, searching high and low, and then I said that I heard something in the freezer. Oh no, the toys are frozen, we must get them out.
We took the toys outside to the porch and I gave her a fork to slowly chip the ice. "Slowly", I said, "we don't want to hurt them".

I used a hammer first to make a big crack on the ice, Vira did the rest. She had a lot of fun. Hopefully this will enhance her motoric skills. Its a great game to play during a hot summer day.

Aaah...what a good idea..
Mau coba ah minggu ini.
Berarti hrs beli dino2 di pasar gembrong nih kekeke.
Tengkyu urban papa...
Thank you. One last tip: akan lebih baik kalau beli mainan dinosaurus karet dari pasar, unexpensive dan banyak. Lebih mirip fosil.
vira is really a beautiful paleontologist, and papa chandra is a cool papa! tfs, papachan!
cool papa chandra. got me thinking too of what creative game for my 2 month old baby:)
Thank you everyone, baru bisa bales nih habis bedrest. Vira juga mau bilang thank you, nih biar dia sendiri yang nulis:
ohncich23f-93jjf jsoajdpjijd23
Ya itu kata Vira dalam jurus ketiknya dia, artinya kurang lebih: "terima kasih tante atas pujiannya".