Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

cantik2 deh ini duo mama runners, mia & yustin :)

mia adidas from head to toe.
yustiiin... jam-nya kereeen! :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

TSO hari ini lari sama suami di Embung Tambak Boyo Jogja


top : kaos Indorunners
pants : adidas formotion
Belt : Spibelt
Shock: airwalk
Shoes : Reebok Realflex optimal (teman setiakuuuuu...)

mbak Rosalia jangan iri yak sama TSO ini..hihihi..merah item gitu lo...

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

tikatatum, teganya dirimu membuatku mengiri & mengiler..*buang body* :p semuanya matching deh!

Embung Tambak Boyo Jogja itu dimana? tempatnya bagus ya.. Kok aku baru denger, padahal dulu kuliah beberapa tahun di Yogya :)

rosalia8hans.wordpress.com | @RosaliaHans
Rosalia Surya Budi
Architect, Interior Furnishings Designer, Free Thinker, Full Time Mom & Wife.. :)
(Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus)


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ihhh cakeub2 banget sih TSOnya. pengen ikutan juga meski ini sports outfit hari minggu lalu.


turban instan: square
tee: the urban mama ;)
pants: nike
shoes: adidas boost
socks: nike
sportwatch: nike
hydration belt: fuelbelt

dan yang ini, pas TNR indorunners kemarin.



turban instan: square
tee: indorunners classic tee
pants: nike
shoes: adidas boost
socks: nike
sportwatch: nike
hydration belt: fuelbelt

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

Ninit tee nya urban mama bikin mupeeng berats teteeeeeeh

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

mbak Rosalia ,
aku juga baru tahu tahun lalu pas mulai diajakin lari sama suami..ternyata di balik perumahan daerah condong catur (UII Ekonomi) ada waduk gitu gede banget..1 lapnya sekita 1,4k..biasanya disitu latihan interval sama suami..

mbak Cindy
ini foto embung di deket casa grande lo....*promo biar lari ke jogja*

mbak ninit
iyaa ih..kaos urban mamanya bikin ngeces #eh

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

cindy & tika,
selain keren... bahannya jg enak banget loooh :)
tunggu bulan depan yaaa... udah bisa dibeli nih kaos olahraga TUM.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

Tika mbak,aku masih belum nemu dimana si embung ini,padahal deket rumahku ya?

Ninit size paling gede L ya teh? Muat ga ya aku? Hihi :P

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

mbak Ninit,
udah bisa PO ni? lengan pendek ada mbak? aku mau S aja..hehehehe

mbak Cindy,
tau kampus UII concat gak? masuk situ lurus aja ke area perumahan jalannya konblok...trus nanti ada plangnya ke kanan "Embung tambak boyo" masuk aja lurus sampe nemu tukang parkir..

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

kostum kemaren & hari ini (kemaren jogging pendek, hari ini circuit training ringan).


new balance tanktop, nike shorts, adidas tempo 5 shoes...

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ihhh cantiknyaaa... bagus deh thal pake warna itu. eh elo jadi tanned gitu yaa sekarang pulang dari lombok :) sekseeeh!

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

Thalia pantesan gue liatnya rada beda,ternyata kulitnya jadi tanned gitu,bener kata teteh,jadi keliatan uwoow.LoL
Warna bajunya baguus :))

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

cindy & tikatatum,
nanti adanya 2 model... long sleeves & tank.
size SML :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

mbak Thalia,
shortnya bikin ngiri.....aaa belang kaki ku..isiiin mau pake short gitu...

mbak Ninit,
siaaaap menantiiiii :)

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ninit & cindy - iyaaa, gue jadi hitaaaam banget! tapi jadinya itemnya rata sih... belang2nya ilang semua, hihihi. akibat surfing nih, kejemur abis di laut.

tikatatum - pake dooong! kan ngeratain belang, hihihi... eh, btw sepatunya keren deh.

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

mbak Thalia,
ihihi..makasi pujiannya buat si merah sahabat setiaku..:)
aku belum punya si short kayak gitu..hehehe..tiap ke sport station atau planet sport di jogja beraninya cuma pegang doang...tapi naksir deh yg ini..di nike store jogja ada gak ya? soalnya terakhir kesana adanya yg 3/4 gitu...akan segera kubeli soalnya buat bali marathon mau pake itu aja..biar belangnya sekalian..hahahaha

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

TSO :)


tshirt: combirun indorunners
pants: nike
shoes: brooks pureconnect
socks: hilly
sportwatch: nike


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

mbak ninit,
ungunya sukaaaa T_____T pengeeeen....

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

thank you... ini kaos gratisan combirun indorunners kemaren dan ternyata kaosnya baguuus dan bahannya enak.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ninit - cakeeeep! kaosnya bagus ya? warnanya juga asik... cocok ama sepatu brooksnya, hihihi.

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ninit langsiinnggg dan iya itu kaosnya baguuss yah!!

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ini yg gue pake pas #antwerp10miles kemaren


top: longsleeves adidas & vest adidas
bottom : nike
pink bondi head band: i run like a girl
spi belt (black) & wrist band (black/pink)
sunnies : unbranded - cengdem gratisan dr majalah :)
watch: nike+ gps
socks: nike
shoes : nike yg talinya diganti pink


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

fanny - uhuy, keren fan! congrats ya udah sukses 10-mile racenya! hurrah! eh, btw, sepatunya setelah tali diganti pink jadi mirip tampangya ama sepatu gue... hihihi.

btw, kalo sportsnya renang juga boleh kan? ini tadi pagi... itu jidat berkerut2 kepencet kacamata renangnya, hihihi.


btw, topi dan kacamata baru lho! kemaren beli sebelum sakit, akhirnya tadi begitu rada segeran, subuh2 langsung kabur ke kolam renang, nyobain barang baru :D

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

fanny cakeeeppp!! eh itu long sleeves toh, gue kirain elo pake short sleeves loh! ternyata ditarik ke atas yah tangannya. btw, congrats on your 10 miles medal.

thalia ihihih lucu pake kacamata dan bekerut2 jidatnya. ehem.. pake bikini dong thal #eh

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [tso] Today's Sport Outfit (TSO)

ehi ni TSO yang udah telaat banget tapi mau masukin ah :P ini pas running date ama nyanya pas kemaren nyanya ke singapore. berhubung gue ama nyanya doang yang lari, jadi sempet foto beduaan, setelah larinya beres.


di gue:
adidas hat
nike tank
nike shorts
brooks pureflow running shoes

di nyanya:
gak tau shortsnya apaan
indorunners tee
brooks pureconnect running shoes

dan ini foto gue waktu menyelesaikan first Half Marathon race gue, di minggu sebelomnya. ini foto pas lagi lari, otw ke finish line, lagi di kilomer 19. fotonya ngambil dari FB nya SG Running Photos.


  • oakley flak jacket sports sunglasses (gak dipake krn mendung the whole way)[/*]
  • nike black visor[/*]
  • adidas top[/*]
  • nike shorts (terpaksa di doble krn "tamu" datang sehari sebelomnya, jadi lagi deras2nya, takut nembus & nyeplak)[/*]
  • 2XU elite compression tights[/*]
  • adidas purple wrist band[/*]
  • nathan hydration belt [/*]
  • adidas arm band for iphone[/*]
  • brooks purelow running shoes[/*]

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta