Legoland - Windsor
We were very pleased to get a chance to visit Legoland in Windsor (1.5hr driving from London). It was a perfect sunny day at 25C.
If you ever wonder what it feels to be a giant, then this place is for you! If you ever think that this is just a kid toys, then you may be wrong :)
I had been under-estimating the power of these small blocks till I visit this place. The great thing about it is not only building physical things.. but also imagination!
So.. enjoy the pics!

Buckingham palace, London. Complete with the bride and groom in front of it. Royal wed fever!

London Eye and waterloo station (the trains are busy going in and out of station).

The train is moving! It is a lively city!

The harbor where the boats on water are moving too.


On the way home... too excited... and now it's time to dream it. :)
wah bagus yah...anak2 pasti suka sekali kesana
hwaahh..seruuu..masuk cek list tempat yg harus dikunjungi sblum pulang nih. thanks ya mom :)
Waww..keren bgt Chie:) dl bapake pgn ke sana..cuman kuatir jd kangen berat sm anak2.... Sendirian soalnya..hihihi..:)
Keren euy... anakku maniak lego ... udah berharap dapat kesana ... mudah mudahan bisa pergiii.... thx
aduuh lama nggak bisa online, begitu online langsung ngibrit ke TUM, eh ngeliatnya yang bikin ngiler semua... tfs, Yashinta! *amin amin bareng Otty and sLesTa*