My Baby Shower
Being pregnant for the first time has brought me a lot of new excitements in my life. And this is the latest one: my baby shower.
It's the type you see in the movies, where you get together with your friends, have a good laugh, play some games, and ended up getting presents. Now what's not to love about that? :)
Traditionally a baby shower is only attended by the mom-to-be and her girlfriends, but for mine my husband was also "showered" and I invited some of my guy friends and also my friends' husbands.
My role was very minimum, I just took care of the venue booking, the menu, the invitation list, and the goody bags. The rest were handled by my lovely friends who were so kind and arranged the whole thing for us :)
I might have taken care of the invitation list, but the invitation itself was designed by the a very good friend of mine
The baby shower took place at Sinou Kaffee Hausen . I didn't plan for any decorations but they were so nice that they decorated the place especially for the event! Everything looked so pink and girly, still can't get over how cute it was! Never thought industrial/warehouse can turned girlish, but somehow they managed to do it!
To keep a memorabilia of the guests and their wishes for us and the future baby girl, I had the guests' pics taken when they first arrived, printed it straight away, and asked them to write the wishes on the other side. I've always loved to do this on events I helped arrange, which is why I want to do it at my own baby shower.
After most of the guests had arrived and had something to eat, it's time for the games! There were three games, all related to babies.
1. Make A Baby. No, not literally of course, but from Play Doh xD The parents-to-be gets to decide who makes the best baby
2. Dress-Up. Here the participants have to put on a diaper and dress up a baby doll (in this case Upin/Ipin xD). The fastest one to finish wins.
3. Bottom's Up. For this game the participants have to re-live their baby lives by drinking from a baby bottle. The drink can be just about anything, from milk to beer. For this the drink of choice was Buavita 2 Go, whose brand manager was kind enough to sponsor ;) The fastest one to finish the whole bottle wins.
After the games, the rest was chit-chatting, taking pictures, more eating, more laughing, and oh, the gift opening!
With the "committee", all dressed in pink.
With the photographer
PS: The crown? Wasn't my idea (although I wished it had been). It was a complimentary prop from Sinou. Absolutely loved it, made me feel like the queen of the day. :)
Wow.. ide games nya kereeennn.. semoga lancar persalinannya ya ^^
Very interesting!!! Suka banget liat foto2 dan "keriuhan"nya. Apalagi games yg bapak2 pada ngedot,hihi =p Dapet ide brilian darimana tuh Dessey? Saya termasuk orang yg suka banget bikin party yg unik n menarik, tapi sayangnya blm sempet terealisasi dalam kehidupan nyata (cuma dalam khayalan,hehe). Baca ceritanya mba Dessey jadi bikin kepengiiiiinn.. Kepengin bikin baby shower, kepengin hamil lagi tentunya =p
Waaa udah lahiran yah *telat* congrats yaaa..
@meizadhania, @honey josep, @edhabebs
Kalau aku pgn baby showernya lagi aja haha msh blm siap punya adik buat Aqila ;D
Iya itu sengajaa bapak2 semua yg dikerjain suruh ngedot hihi xP
Ahem iya benar sekali hahaha
ih ya ampun seru bangeetttt... jadi pengen lagi *loh* .. *toss jugag sama meizadhania & honey josep*