Tag: Baby Shower
Baby Shower: The Happy Tummy Pizza Party
I have always enjoyed organizing events ever since I was in elementary school. It’s a love and hate relationship when comes to this specific hobby. As this was the 2nd child Baby Shower, I was worried to celebrate it at home (imagine my very active 2 yrs old boy running around and make a mess with the decors) so I decided it had to be at some cozy restaurant.
#TUMLuncheon: Baby Shower
Apa sih baby shower itu? Sesuai dengan namanya, calon ibu yang sedang hamil dan mengadakan acara baby shower akan “showered with gifts” alias dibanjiri hadiah dari keluarga dan teman-teman dekat yang diundangnya.
My Baby Shower
Being pregnant for the first time has brought me a lot of new excitements in my life. And this is the latest one: my baby shower.