Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies

My daughters love Red Velvet cakes. Every time I finished taking Naia to her piano lesson, she would ask for a red velvet cupcake from the local cupcake store, next to her piano school. Then usually, her little sister would ask for one too, and both would be chowing down the cupcakes until they are all gone!

Last week, I wanted to make an easy and fast snacks for the girls. I was opted to make brownies, the choc melt brownies would be great. But then I realized, I don't have all the ingredients in the kitchen.

So, I looked into my baking cabinets and decided that I would just make the Red Velvet Cheesecake Brownies. It's brownies so it'll be easy to make, but it's red velvet cheesecake, so the girls would love it!

Of course, it was a hit! Neishia couldn't stop eating it. Naia even asked me to make another one where she can help me make it again (she didn't get to help with this one because she was doing her homework).

Here is the recipe for you to try.

For the brownies:

  • 1 stick or 8 tbps unsalted butter, melted

  • 1 cup sugar (I use only 3/4 cup)

  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 tbsp red food coloring

  • 1/8 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp white vinegar

  • 2 eggs

  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

For the cheesecake filling:

  • 1 package (8oz or 250gr) cream cheese (I use Kraft Philadelphia), softened

  • 3 tbsp sugar

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 large egg yolk

1. Preheat oven to 180-200 Celcius

2. Grease baking pan with butter

3. In a large bowl, combine the melted butter, sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla, salt and food coloring. Whisk gently until nicely incorporated. Then stir in the white vinegar.

4. Whisk the eggs in a small bowl, then stir in to the brownie batter. Fold the flour to the batter. I use a whisk to combine but you can use a spatula if you want.

5. Pour the batter into the pan, leave about 1/4 part for the topping.

6. In the meantime, you can make the cheesecake filling by combining all the ingredients using an electric mixer until well incorporated. Spread on top of the brownie batter.

7. Pour back the rest of the brownie batter on top of the cheesecake filling. Using a toothpick or a knife, swirl the cream cheese and the dollop of the brownie batter.

8. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Let it cool before you cut them to square cubes. You can wrap them in an individual plastic or an airtight container for easy storage. I find it tastier to consume the next day.



  1. avatar
    Lina Parlina October 29, 2013 9:10 pm

    milad Aira tgl 16 Oktober kemaren aku bikin red velvet juga, daripada beli kan harganya lulmayan juga tuh hehehe...btw, moms yg suka baking untuk cemilan si kecil atau org2 di rumah,bisa liat resep2nya di website nya, kebetulan aku ikutan mmilistnya juga, banyak resep2 kue atau masakan2 yg bener2 enak, aku juga kalo lg ada order biasanya ambil resep dari sana kadang dimodifikasi lagi....

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    WiwiT October 25, 2013 2:40 pm

    *toss* sama cindy. Kita sama-sama mupeng liat gambar dan berdo'a dapat kiriman aja ya cind.. heuheu..
    *colek Naia* Bikinkan buat akuuuh aja deh, kakak Naia... :D

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    Cindy Vania October 25, 2013 12:54 pm

    kelihatan yummy banget sih brownies yang dipegang Nei..
    Mau bikin terhalang ngga punya oven *tutupmuka*

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    shinta lestari October 25, 2013 11:23 am

    @dea: gak mungkin berubah kok de, kan dipakeinnya cuma 1tsp, dikiiitt banget!

    @chika: hehhe.. selamat mencoba!

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    Siska Knoch October 25, 2013 11:04 am

    aah resep yg ditunggu2pun terbit yay... tfs shiiin :)

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