Tummy Snapshots

I found out that I was pregnant on the 4th week. It was my first pregnancy, so you can imagine how excited my husband and I were. One thing for sure: we both couldn't wait to see the bulging tummy... So, one of the documentations we did during the pregnancy was taking monthly pictures of my belly. 

36th week

The first three photos didn't show much, except for bloated belly. But once it hits the 16th week, it really does grow. 

We also took frontal pictures, but it didn't look as fun as the sideway ones (and to tell you the truth, the frontal ones made me look fat. so they had to go).

If we were going to have another kid, we would do the same type of documentation again and see how fast the tummy grows on the second child. I heard the belly shows up much earlier than first pregnancy. 


  1. avatar
    Yani Widianto November 11, 2010 7:52 pm

    So inspiring, mbak! Gonna do it starting this week :)
    Salam kenal untuk semua...

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    riska nurmarlia February 22, 2010 4:36 pm

    keren thal.. ntar hamil kedua bikin ah..

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    thalia kamarga February 21, 2010 6:05 pm

    @huanie - thank you!

    @brenda - kalo gitu buat adiknya vanya doooong :D

    @myallayna - amiiiiin!

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    Yuli Quinity February 20, 2010 4:56 pm

    Ah iya keren bgt, dulu pgn foto pas hamil tua ga semopet krn keburu brojol, smoga di hamil ke-2 kesampean yah, amiiin.. Hehehe

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    brenda February 20, 2010 6:44 am

    Wah keren deh...aku pengen banget punya dokumentasi kayak gini... tapi pas hamil Vanya kemarin ngga kepikiran...

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