Tag: Picture


Ghani in Action

Ghani in Action

Sejak masih dalam kandungan, sudah terbayang bagaimana saya akan selalu berusaha mengabadikan setiap moment yang dilalui Ghani. Sejak kelahirannya hingga setiap perkembangannya selalu saya foto.

Jingga's Jumper Series

Jingga's Jumper Series

Ternyata bayi memiliki ekspresi dan pose yang natural. Ketika foto-fotonya saya satukan terlihat tidak ada satupun yang sama. Dari ekspresi muka tersenyum, menangis, curious hingga bengong ada di situ.

Vacation Pictures with a Round Belly

Vacation Pictures with a Round Belly

The OBGYN asked me if we had plans for vacation. I said no, and she told me that I should consider it, because, "this might be the last chance in the next few years that you guys can take vacation without the kids tagging along", she said...

The Only Giraffe in the Block

The Only Giraffe in the Block

I love taking pictures of Jae when she's busy playing with her toys. This particular series turns into a short story.

Tummy Snapshots

Tummy Snapshots

One box per four-week, to see my body changes throughout the 9 months of pregnancy.