Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

Hi Mama,

The Urban Mama kembali mengadakan book discussion, bekerja sama dengan TIMES Bookstore. Kali ini pilihan bukunya adalah:


*silakan klik poster di atas untuk melihat detailnya.

ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011
16.00 - 18.00
Function Hall, 2nd Floor Kemang Village
Jl. Pangeran Antasari Kavling 36, Jakarta Selatan

1. Lita Soerjadinata (Goodreads Indonesia)
2. Astrid Lim (The Urban Mama)

This event is conducted in Bahasa Indonesia, FREE and open to public.

Please RSVP by email to: [email protected]

Buat mama TUM, silakan loh kalo mau daftar disini... marii...


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

pengen ikutan dateng.. tapi belom baca bukunya. keren ih, astrid mewakili TUM :) sukses yaaa... seneng bisa bikin acara kayak gini secara rutin.

ayok mama, pada ikutan.. kalo mau kasih usul buku yang mau dibedah juga boleh loohhh..

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

wah seneng deh astrid mewakili TUM :)
Yuk mamas, pd daftar!

a life-enjoyer mama :)


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

waaa keren nih acaranya... ikut ikut ikuuuut!
suka sama paulo coelho. dan sekarang masih baca aleph :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

Mau ikutan.. rrr tp jamnya rada nanggung yah.. daftar belakangan aja yah mamods? :)

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

thank you TUM for the opportunity... sumpah deg2an hahahaha!!!!

a working mum who longs to be at home with baby yo all day.


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

yay.. go Astrid go Astrid... *loncat loncat dg pompom*
you'll be great dear, dont worry.
sayang gak bisa ikuttttt... hiks


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

mudah- mudahan bisa ikutan juga :)

... a counselor, a role model and often a friend to her children
Twitter & Instagram: @honeyjt



Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

wow, go Astrid go!!! :D
Pengen banget ikutan ldukung Astrid tapi pas lagi di Bandung...
Foto2 yang banyak yaaa :)

Reborn since El was born


Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

huaaa.. bacaan jaman kuliah duluuuu.. paulo lover bgt dah.. eniwei.. masih bisa ikutan kah.. trus2 dpt free bukunya kah? errrrr... mak emak doyan gratisannn..



Topic: [2011] TUM & Times - Book Discussion: ALEPH by Paulo Coelho

Apa dimungkinkan utk ngadain event serupa di Surabaya ya? Pasti banyak peminatnya. Usulan buku untuk book discussion : Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom...