mbak neni arka, lucu bgt itu HB shake 'n take-nya :)
share aja, kl aku selama ini pakai blender biasa yg miyako & so far sooo good utk nge-blend buah, sayur, bumbu, ayam, daging, dll. nah, tapi gara2 topik resep juice TUM yg menggiurkan, aku pengen bgt beli HB. cuma krn si miyako jg msh baik2 aja, pengennya beki HB y nggak terlalu mahal. kemaren di ace liat merk kris, murmer sih...500an kayaknya, tp oke nggak ya performanya? ada yg udah makai kah? TFS before :)
.: a momma who (keeps) learning about mothering from and (just) for baby Ei :.
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new ~ Rajneesh