Topic: [Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali - 2013] Christmas Fun with SANTA

Yippie...Santa Claus is coming to town!

Urban Mama dan Papa punya rencana Natal apa nih untuk buah hati?
Yuk, ikut Christmas Fun with Santa bersama Mothercare, Gingersnaps dan ELC Learning Centre!
Ada acara special untuk kado natal buah hati kita lho...
mulai dari:


  • Santa Wish List (gift giveaway & Photo with Santa)[/*]
  • Art & Craft[/*]

    Lebih spesial karena Christmas Fun with SANTA hadir di 3 kota, Jakarta, Surabaya dan Bali.

    Yuk, catat tempat dan tanggalnya:

    15 Desember 2013 at 2pm
    In front of Mothercare & Gingersnaps store, West Mall Level 2 of GRAND INDONESIA & Lippo Mall Kemang


    15 Desember 2013 at 2pm
    Mini atrium Level 2 (In front of ELC store) of CIPUTRA WORLD SURABAYA


    22 Desember 2013 at 2pm
    BALI BEACH WALK level 1 (in front of topshop topman]


    How to join?
    Only by shopping at minimum of IDR 300k in all stores of Mothercare Indonesia, Early Learning Centre Indonesia & Gingersnaps Indonesia.
    The event will be held at Grand Indonesia, Lippo Mall Kemang, Ciputra World Surabaya & Bali Beachwalk.

    Click here for detailed info: http://www.mothercare.co.id/event-2013

    Seruu kan?
    Tunggu apa lagi?!
    Yuk semarakan Natal bersama Mothercare, Gingersnaps dan ELC Learning Centre :)

    Informasi lebih lanjut sila hubungi:
    Dondy 08170600900, dondy.widjaja@kanmoretail.com

    An ordinary bunda of twin amazing angels, Kira and Kara Setyadi
    @wiwidwadmira | the Setyadi's
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    Topic: [Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali - 2013] Christmas Fun with SANTA

    untuk daerah lainnya nggak ada moms?