Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

Dear urban Mama yang di Singapore..

Ini kelanjutan dari buku yang pernah gue bahas di thread INI.
Buku yang sangat menarik dan ternyata mau ada seminar yang diadakan oleh Prudential Singapore, dengan mbak Rosina Simon sebagai pembicaranya.


As parents, our goal should not be about indoctrinating our children to be just like us or to be our Mini-Me. That would only leave them vulnerable, as their circumstances will surely be different from ours.

Our goal should be to help them acquire the necessary personal money management experience; to train them to think, to evaluate choices and to make decisions for themselves; to prepare them to live their own lives, by providing them with ample opportunities to make and learn from their own mistakes, while they are young and the stakes are still low.

Children who grow up with a good understanding of personal finance will always have an advantage in life. They know the principles. They know the basics. And they know the rules of the game.

There is no right or wrong method when it comes to instilling financial discipline. The key is to create financial awareness in children by constantly and consistently encouraging them to observe, learn, and practice good money habits and values.

Come and hear our speakers, Rosina and Peck Cheng, whom are both veterans from the financial industry, share practical tips about how they teach their children about financial matters and inspire responsibility.

And you will stand a chance to walk away with Rosina’s book “Raising a $ Smart Kid” and her autograph on it.

Date: 30 June 2011 (Thursday)
6 – 7 pm Dinner/ Refreshments
7 – 8.30 pm Seminar
8.40 pm Lucky draw

Cost = $15 per person.

51 Scotts Road,
Prudential@Scotts Building
(Next to Newton MRT)

REGISTER via www.SgFinancialSeminars.com
(If you have an Invitation Code, fill in for complimentary ticket)

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

ini flyers-nya ya, sekalian ada speakers' profiles-nya :)


? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

Tar diadain di Jkt juga kah?

a life-enjoyer mama :)


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

eka yang di singapore ini, yang ngadain prudential. yang di jakarta, belom tau.. siapa tau ntar TUM yang bikin? ;) hihihi..

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

waaa kapan?? *ngareup*

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

berdasarkan dari obrolan ama mbak rosina di seminarnya semalem, katanya agustus udah confirm akan beredar bukunya di jakarta. dan gue udah book, kalo udah published buku versi bhs Indonesia-nya, mbak Rosina mesti bikin acara seminar seperti semalem, khusus untuk TUM members :)

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

akhirnya ketemu yang ini..tapi yang bahasa inggrisnya dijual juga kali ya? atau kalau bahasa indonesia mudah-mudahan terjemahannya keren.
Kalo yg bahasa inggris ada pengen beli sekarang *mumpung gaji 13 otw*


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

sondang coba aja ke websitenya. dijual kok di webnya. yang www.dollarsmartkid.com itu.

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

Slesta masih gak bisa dibuka. cuman sisi-sisinya ada warna kuning, di bawahnya Rosina simons copyright 2011, tapi blank putih doang. Udah dibuka di kompi kantor maupun di latop di rumah. Kayaknya semua program kayak adobe dan java gitu gitu ada kok di kompi.(maksudnya, selama ini gak pernah gak bisa buka site). Baiklah kayaknya disuruh nunggu di agustus aja yakh. sekalian minta tandatangan.


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

sondang hmm.. kenapa ya? di komputer gue soalnya bisa kok. gue malah kalo di kantor pake IE7 yang udah jadul pisan.

btw, mau share live tweet waktu dateng ke acara seminar ini. waktu itu semua udah di share lewat twitter, tapi buat yang kelewatan, di share lagi disini, biar semua bisa dapet ilmu nya :)

  • Financial Talk with children can be done anywhere, most effectively during dinner time at the dining table.
  • It's important that parents have one voice on the financial guidance to their children, and consistency is also very important.
  • Say 'no' with love is also needed. Don't succumb to a nagging children, just because it's easier to stop your children from crying if you follow want they want. Be consistent!
  • Research study shows that children who can delay whims tend to be very successfull in life. The study done in Stanford University.
  • We can train our children to delay what they want to by saying no. It's hard but if you are consistent and firm, you'll be surprised what it can do.
  • It's important for us to teach our kids about the concept of "sharing. And sharing is not always about money.
  • You can guide children tos ave a certain amount every month. It will teach them from young the concept of saving before spending.
  • Discuss about buying stocks with your older kids or any financial planning you have. They many not understand about it since they may be alien to the concept.
  • But in the long run, they will learn and eventually try to understand about it as they grow older. Get them used to know and familiar with the concept will lead them to want to understand and follow it later in life. A very good foundation on financial planning for them later.
  • As parents, we think that ourselves know better and wiser than our kids. Therefore, we tend to make decision for our children. Don't do it! Let them learn from their own mistakes through our guidance. We guide them with the considerations.
  • There is no right or wrong decision. Let the children experiment. Even if it's wrong, they'll need to learn from it.
  • After all, it is their lives. We, the paretns, are just their underwriters.
  • Open a bank account in your child's name or in your name but for the sake of your child's purpose. Let them get into the behavior of saving in early age. Guide them in both saving & spending.
  • If a child learns that she is spending with her own money, from a young age, they will be more careful about spending their money.[/*]

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

langsung ku copas Slesta ini , dan kukirim ke hubby, jadi sama-sama buat bahan sama hubby. Aku bener-bener concern soal ini, karena ngerasain betapa susahnya mengubah semua paradigma di otak gw dan hubby (dengan latar belakang beda, dan cara pandang yang beda juga soal duit), dan banyak pula yang salah...
makin muda diajarin (dibiasakan begitu ya), kayaknya makin bagus buat anak
Thanks yah Sles


Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

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Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

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Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

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Topic: [2011] SG: Seminar "How to Raise Financially Responsible Children"

I think this is a great seminar topic! Raising financially responsible children is a crucial part of parenting, and it's important to equip them with the knowledge and skills to make smart financial decisions. Best MCA leads can also be a great resource in teaching children about money, as they offer the opportunity to learn and practice responsible money management.