Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

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Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

Izin nyimak  moms :) newbie nih


Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

info dong kalo tempat yoga daerah bogor terima kasih :)


Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

restianyarifka wrote:
info dong kalo tempat yoga daerah bogor terima kasih \:\)
coba moms searcing di ig biasnya banyak atau bisa yoga sendiri dirumah dari youtube hehehe


Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

salam kenal moms
aq juga sama suka download video dr youtube aja mom ,, hehe


Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

[quote=FanisaMutiara] olah raga yoga bisa gk sih buat yg tinggi kolesterol ? soalnya lg coba pola hidup sehat nih


Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

BungaPhoedinama wrote:
Yoga is an eastern Indian tradition that focuses on strength, flexibility, and spirituality. Pilates focuses on building strength in the deep muscles of the abdominal region, the body's core.

Both practices involve attaining specific postures. Both emphasize correct breathing.

Hello! I would be interested to know what the yogic system offers for those who have vision problems. I am severely nearsighted and this is causing problems for me now. I want to fight this outside of surgical methods. What does Ayurveda say about this?


Topic: [yoga] Semua Tentang Yoga

Harrison wrote:

Hello\! I would be interested to know what the yogic system offers for those who have vision problems\. I am severely nearsighted and this is causing problems for me now\. I want to fight this outside of surgical methods\. What does Ayurveda say about this\?

I saw a yoga section that talks about eye exercises. There's nothing special there. Gymnastics of this kind is open knowledge and is often used for those who have minor disabilities. There are cases when even standard methods may not help  - https://myvisioncare.org/blog/when-glasses-and-contact-lenses-dont-help-improve-vision Vision is an individual process. need to be consulted on each case. I would recommend getting your eyes checked by several specialists.