Topic: Alergi

mungkin gak sih anak 5 tahun baru muncul alergi karena susu ??? anak ku tbtb mencret2 grgr abis minum susu uht. pas aku cobbain susunya enak rasanya gak ada yang aneh. trs besoknya anak ku minum susu uht merek lain eh mencret juga apa mungkin udh 5 tahun baru lactose intolerence ?


Topic: Alergi

halo mom, kondisi anak yang sedang tumbuh emang berubah-berubah. bisa jadi pas kondisi tubuhnya gak bagus atau bisa jadi juga muncul alergi. kalau soal tes alergi lactose intolerance mom bisa konsultasiin ke dokter anak via halodoc dulu deh, nanti mereka bakal kasih diagnosa dan memberikan penjelasan yang informatif. jadi bisa dapet penjelasan yang bener dari ahli medis buat penangannan selanjutnya. 


Topic: Alergi

Have you see the best diet for the guineapigseat.com then just a click and read the full article.


Topic: Alergi

Traffic Jam 3D offers an immersive driving experience with realistic and detailed 3D graphics. The vehicle models, environments and effects are all meticulously designed, creating the feeling of driving on real streets.


Topic: Alergi

Using readily available old fabrics makes this craft highly cost-effective. Instead of buying new materials, creators can utilize what they already have, making it an accessible hobby for everyone.

Inspiring a Sustainable Future Magicexhibit.org

Upcycled fabric toys exemplify how sustainable practices can be incorporated into everyday life. They encourage a shift from a throwaway culture to one that values resourcefulness and creativity. Moreover, making these toys can be a wonderful educational activity for children, teaching them about recycling and the value of handmade items.


Topic: Alergi

It’s definitely possible! Allergies or lactose intolerance can develop at any age, even if there were no issues before. Diarrhea after drinking UHT milk could be a sign of lactose intolerance. It’s a good idea to take your child to a doctor for a proper diagnosis.
In the meantime, you could try giving them lactose-free milk or plant-based alternatives like soy milk or almond milk to see if the condition improves.
If you want to find a reliable medical facility, you can check out where am i.


Topic: Alergi

Baby products are really important to research. Learn and improve new skills with real information and reviews. Research to choose quality coreball brands.


Topic: Alergi

Bisa banget, mama! Lactose intolerance bisa muncul kapan saja, bahkan setelah bertahun-tahun minum susu tanpa masalah. Geometry Dash Coba stop dulu susunya dan cek ke dokter biar lebih pasti. Semoga si kecil cepat pulih!