Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint


urban mama,
yuk datang ke acara diskusi mengenai "Managing Your Digital Footprint".
tanggal: 21 Mei 2014
pukul: 19.00-21.00
tempat: @atamerica Pacific Place lt 3.

diskusi ini dihadiri oleh pembicara-pembicara yang kompeten di bidangnya. sebagai orangtua, kita juga harus berhati-hati dalam meninggalkan jejak digital apalagi bila menyangkut anak-anak kita. bila ingin tahu lebih jauh, yuk! hadiri diskusinya. GRATIS!


Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint

Mau mampir ah pulang kerja..


Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint

hamasah_uwi, kalo dateng jangan lupa share ilmunya yaaa.. :)

duhh, pengen juga ikutan, tapi nggak yakin bisa...

twitter and IG: @zataligouw
Blog : http://www.zataligouw.com/


Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint

Aku nggak jadi dateng mba zata hiks :'(. Nunggu reviewnya juga dari urban mama yang lain


Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint

I recently had the pleasure of working with a web design agency in California to enhance my digital footprint, and the results exceeded my expectations. Their expertise in web design not only transformed my online presence but also optimized it for a seamless user experience. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make a lasting impact in the digital space.


Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint

I recently created my own tool for this. I love inventions. I have long dreamed of creating a unique device, but didn't know where to start. Invent Help reviews helped me bring my idea to life. They did market research, helped me design and protected my idea with a patent. Their professionalism and support made my dream a reality.


Topic: [2014 - Jakarta] Managing Your Digital Footprint

Quantum programming languages (e.g., Qiskit, Cirq) are still evolving, and there is no universally adopted standard. Algorithm Development: Businesses need to develop quantum algorithms tailored to their specific problems, which is complex and often requires trial and error. www.btcbulltoken.com