Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Prevention can be very well achieved by keeping personal hygiene well. One has to keep baby’s body clean. Herbal disinfectant powder is to be sprinkled over the baby’s body. The clothes of the baby are to be changed and the material is to be very smooth (preferably 100% cotton).

Note down if your baby gets the rashes over the body after eating certain food. This food is then considered as allergic to the baby and therefore is to be avoided. Eczema can be treated by giving topical ointment and internal medicines that is anti-histamine. Some of the severe cases are treated with steroids but with extra precautions and perfect doses.

Ayurveda believes that these conditions are to be treated with the herbs having action on blood purification and Pitta Dosha pacification. Some of the herbs like shatavari, Ashwagandha, sariva, manjishtha etc purify the blood and gives relief from skin problems.

Ayurveda also says that decoction of certain herbs like neem, haridra, patola is to be mixed with the bathing water and baby should be given bath in it. This will check out not only the skin rashes but they are also good for any type of fungal infection over the body.


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Hi triderma, my baby have dermatitis atopic arround his cheek,and arm. Almost already 3 months did not recover. The peditrician has given ointment names Elidel,is Elidel contain steroids?What are the effects of long-term use if using Elidel constantly in 3 month?

? Mommy nya Raphael Christopher Marcello (Ralph)?
::my adorable family stories::


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

indrilicious: kareem juga sempet kena dermatitis atopic dipipinya, sama DSA-nya disuruh pake skin care yg natural, dan setelah browsing sana sini, gue akhirnya makai produk dari weleda yg calendula baby cream.. alhamdulillah eczemanya gak jadi parah, trus pas gue mudik ke indo, langsung hilang :)

eczema itu salah satu penyebabnya ada udara yg kering, makanya kalo di indo bisa sembuh krn lembab

soal steroid kalo kebanyakan gue juga pernah baca, tapi lupa apa dampaknya... ntar deh ubek-ubek file eczema lagi

being a mom for Kareem makes me find out the answer why "surga itu ada ditelapak kaki ibu" (Blog: http://www.negeridongeng.com/)


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Ooo gitu ya sefa,kayanya udara keringnya karena ralph tiap hari kebanyakan di ruang AC dech..wah TFS ya info calendula baby cream nya, memang dari kemaren2 udah searching2 apa ada cara alami utk dermatitis atopi tp blm nemu,abisnya pake salep Elidel ini aku agak khawatir mengandung steroid dan bahaya bagi bay.. tapi di jakarta ada yang jual calendula baby cream gak ya?

? Mommy nya Raphael Christopher Marcello (Ralph)?
::my adorable family stories::


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

indri kalo gak salah di mama mall ada yg jualan california baby pake calendula deh.. coba cek-cek lagi
soal AC, coba aja ditaruh humidifier dikamar.. biar gak kering
kalo kami disini pake pemanas, jadinya tambah kering... nah diakalin dg pake humidifier
semoga babynya cepat sembuh yaa

being a mom for Kareem makes me find out the answer why "surga itu ada ditelapak kaki ibu" (Blog: http://www.negeridongeng.com/)


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Ok sefa ,nanti gue ceki2 mamas mall dech..:)
Oh pake humidifier ya..sip sip..request ke hubby dech,hehehe...
Makasi banyak loh sefa atas sharing nya, salam utk Kareem ya..:)

? Mommy nya Raphael Christopher Marcello (Ralph)?
::my adorable family stories::


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

ELIDEL Cream (pimecrolimus), a NEW prescription treatment for eczema, is a steroid-FREE anti-inflammatory cream specifically developed to treat atopic dermatitis commonly referred to as eczema. Elidel cream, manufactured by Novartis, is part of the NEW class of topical medications called topical immunomodulators. Elidel is proven in clinical studies to reduce the incidence of eczema flares and to reduce itching within a week of use in up to 70% of patients with less side effects than topical steroids. FDA has approved Elidel cream for short-term and intermittent long-term therapy for patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in non-immunocompromised patients in whom the use of conventional therapies is inadvisable or not adequately effective.

Elidel cream is not associated with the side effects associated with topical steroids such as skin thinning, stretch marks and skin discoloration. ELIDEL offers a SAFE and EFFECTIVE long term treatment option alternative to those suffering from moderate to severe eczema.


Eczema CANNOT be cured, but it can be controlled. Elidel cream can be used for short term and intermittent long term use. Therefore, even though your skin may start to heal and feel better within the first few weeks of treatment. After resolutions of signs and symptoms Elidel cream usage should be stopped. Eczema or atopic dermatitis can recur within several weeks of stopping treatment. Since Elidel has been approved for long term use and it is not a steroid, you can intermittently continue to treat eczema outbreaks until they occur. Elidel cream treatment should be initiated at the first signs of redness and symptoms of itching to control flare ups. IF YOU NOTICE THAT YOUR ECZEMA GETS WORSE WITHIN THE FIRST FEW WEEKS OF TREATMENT, STOP ELIDEL AND CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN FOR A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION!


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Thx for the info triderma..:)

? Mommy nya Raphael Christopher Marcello (Ralph)?
::my adorable family stories::


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Arlan 4,5 bulan juga mengalami dermatis atopik.awal2 keluar bercak2 merah makin lama makin banyak.seperti keringat malam tpmlama2 bisa menebal.aku awalnya pake sudoku tp baru pake 3 hr malah jadi kering mengelupas dan mala kulitnya jadi putih2.kayak panu.selama 1 bulan penuh aku pake sabun cair lactacyd membaik.tp kdg di bagian leher dan lengan masi keluar becak2 merah.waktu lactacyd abis aku pake in sabun cair zw..t..l mandi pagi n sore pas sorenya 1 perut arlan keluar bercak merah semua.aku baru bener yakin d kulit anakku sensitif ma produk yg berpewangi tinggj.nyesel bgt kasian kulitnya.skrg aku cuma pakensebamed baby cream di seluruh bdn arlan mudah2an bisa sembu n normal lg.kasian kalo bener eksim tu ga bisa disembuin.aku eksim juga si tp kambuhnya kadang2 aja


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

Even am a strong supporter of ayurveda.
I would suggest trying ayurveda. The natural therapy works well for all problems plus the zero side effects is an added benefit. I had a cousin who faced similar troubles she adjusted very well to the ayurveda treatment and has recovered quite well. It was during this experience we came across ayurvaid hospitals in India. In fact my experience at ayurvaid opened my mind to a number of other ayurvedic procedures. They offer a variety of treatments along with specialised therapy messages. If interested I would recomend you to check out their site


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

anakku DA, dikasih creamnya hanya ezzera cream dan apolar di sisi kulit yang sudah meradang..


Topic: Prevention and treatment of eczema in the babies

My beautiful baby boy was born a perfectly healthy baby. As a working mother, I had a perfect plan for him: breastfeeding/formula supplementation for 6 months, food introduction at 4-6 months, and then traditional milk and so on, and I stuck to that plan.
 Mom quits job and flourishing career to manage son’s severely worsening eczema, keeping him at home full time, attending multiple doctor appointments, getting blood work done on various diseases, cooking allergy friendly foods and changing our lifestyle to a hypoallergenic one — read, read, read, track, track, track, stress, stress, and more stress.
 my experience in managing my son’s severe eczema, food allergies, asthma,along awesome allergy free-recipes, latest research and treatment plans that worked for us. my son has all the symptoms especially around nose, cheeks and forehead that flared up after he had dengue fever. I did not want to use any over the counter medicine so I researched. Now he washes his face with a diluted baking soda water daily followed with application of virgin coconut oil on the face after the wash.
