Josh (11m 13d) pakai Bobux tipe yg original. enaaakk banget buat dipake belajar jalan, ngga panas, ga licin, ga gampang lepas. ampe dekil saking seringnya dipake :)
ukurannya ada S, M, L, XL. josh pake yg L (panjang 13cm) dari sekitar umur 10 bln pas mulai dititah & sepatunya masih kegedean1cm, sampai sekarang sepatunya pas & uda bisa jalan sendiri meski blm lancar2 amat.
Berhub dikasih jadi seneng2 aja makenya, kalau beli sendiri sih ga rela.. krn pas ngecek di bobuxusa dot com harganya $28.95 :p
ini keterangan dari web resminya:
What Makes Bobux Shoes So Special?
Bobux are the original soft soled leather baby shoes with the ankle elastic system that ensures they are easy to slip on and they stay On!
Bobux are made from Eco-leather, a soft natural leather, tanned in an environmentally friendly method that is safe for your baby.
Bobux Eco-leather is Chrome(VI) free and surpasses British Safety Standard BS 5665:EN71 making Bobux safe for your baby even if they put them in their mouth. more info...
Bobux designs face your baby! After all they are the ones wearing them, shouldn't they have the best view of the cool designs.
Bobux are recommended by Pediatricians as the perfect footwear for children under two. The soft leather upper and suede leather sole allow the feet to function properly and grow without restrictions.
Bobux have no laces for kids to untie or trip over, and no fasteners to undo. a unique elastic system makes Bobux easy to slip on and they STAY ON!
Bobux are washable! We suggest occasional machine washing with like colors on gentle cycle using a mild detergent, or wash by hand. Stuff with paper towel and air dry.
Bobux are handcrafted from only the softest natural leather, which means we don't have to line them. This allows the leather to absorb perspiration, keeping the feet warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Bobux feature a flexible, slip-resistant suede leather sole, ideal for toe gripping babies and toddlers learning to crawl or walk.