Topic: How to teach baby brain?

barusan nemu tulisannya John Medina, author of "Brain Rules" and "Brain Rules for Baby," a developmental molecular biologist and research consultant. He is an affiliate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He is also the director of the Brain Center for Applied Learning Research at Seattle Pacific University.:

saya kutip sedikit dr blognya:

"Myth: Playing Mozart to your womb will improve your baby’s future math scores.

Truth: Your baby will simply remember Mozart after birth—along with many other thingsshe hears, smells, and tastes in the womb. If you want her to do well in mathin her later years, the greatest thing you can do is to teach her impulse control in her early years.

Myth: Exposing your infant or toddler to language DVDs will boost his vocabulary.

Truth: Some DVDs can actually reduce a toddler’s vocabulary. It is true that thenumber and variety of words you use when talking to your baby boost both his vocabulary and his IQ. But the words have to come from you—a real, live human being.

Myth: To boost their brain power, children need French lessons by age 3 and a room piledwith “brain-friendly” toys and a library of educational DVDs.

Truth: The greatest pediatric brain-boosting technology in the world is probably a plain cardboard box, a fresh box of crayons, and two hours. The worst is probably your new flat-screen TV.

Myth: Telling your children they are smart will boost their confidence.

Truth: They’ll become less willing to work on challenging problems. If you want to get your baby into Harvard, praise her effort instead."


Topic: How to teach baby brain?


Klo arza (13bulan) diajak baca buku, lihat gambar, saat mandi/pipis/ganti baju dikasih tahu nama anggota badan trus sering2 diajak ngobrol aja. Belajar berhitung cuma sekedarnya saat hitung semut atau cicak. Yang rutin diajak ngaji sebelum tidur.
Sempat pingin kenalin flashcard dan berhitung sejak bayi tapi baca salah satu artikel klo kurang baik terlalu memforsir otak saat masih bayi. lupa artikelnya.

Cuma share aja, saya punya sepupu yang sebelum umur TK udah hampir hafal Juz 'Amma, belum bisa baca sih cuma menghafal aja jadi klo kita ngomong;"Surat Al-ikhlas" atau "Al-humazah" dia langsung ngaji walopun agak2 cadel. Ternyata oleh nenek saya dari mulai bayi umur sehari tiap mau tidur dibacain ngaji.

Dan sekarang saya niru nenek saya, karena IMHO klo anak kita normal nanti pasti juga bisa membaca dan berhitung saat sudah sekolah tapi klo ngaji agak susah ya..heheheh.
CMIIW ya mamas

Find Me @Mama's Mall
Qibi Zaqibi


Topic: How to teach baby brain?

Itu serius ya baru niat belajar berhitung/membaca segede itu?
OMG.. pantesan gw membodoh semakin gedenya.
Kayanya di indo rata2 anak TK udah bisa baca deh. Gw inget banget pas TK kecil (4 tahun lewat?) gw udah bisa baca dan tertarik buat baca koran (terutama yg ada 'komik'nya), masuk SD ada tesnya: menulis, membaca, berhitung. =)

Btw, yg gw tangkep ke sininya, flashcard itu mengajarkan anak untuk 'mengingat' bukan 'membaca'. Karena memori anak2 emang bagus banget, mereka bisa ingat bentuk tulisannya dan apa yg harus diucapkan ketika melihat tulisan itu. Jadi bukan bener2 bisa baca. *CMIIW*

IMHO kalau emang pengen anaknya cepat bisa baca, mending tunggu aja sampe 3-4 tahun, bisa dilatih agar anak bener2 bisa membaca dengan 'baik dan benar'.

Terus terang kalo gw malah lebih terobsesi bikin anak gw cepat mandiri (secara harfiah: makan dan mandi sendiri) daripada cepat membaca, biar emaknya enteng kerjaannya.. ahahahaha..