Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

*clingak clinguk*... blum ada yang bikin thread ini ya...

ok deh. berhubung gue lagi training buat 21k race akhir taun (bbrp minggu lagi! *deg2an*), skalian aja sharing disini ya... baru pertama kali nih nyobain lari sejauh ini. jadi kalo ada yang salah, mohon dibilangin.

a little background:
gue ikut 10k race pertama itu bulan desember tahun (SCSM '11) lalu. trus sempet ikut 10k lagi bulan maret (Sundown '12), trus long run2 gitu deh skitar 10-12k di akhir minggu.

bbrp minggu yang lalu gue sakit, trus libur lari selama 1 bulan. abis itu kata dokter, mulainya lagi mesti pelan2, soalnya kayaknya gue ga fit. jadi sekarang lagi mulai pelan2...

training yang gue ikutin juga dari running.about.com, yang Advanced Beginner Half Marathon Training Schedule, selama 12 minggu. agak2 di-adjust ama kemampuan dan waktu gue sih, hehehe.

ini schedule gue yang udah gue adjust buat gue sendiri:


intinya gue lari 4 hari seminggu (kadang 3, soalnya EZ run-nya suka gue skip kalo males... hihihi).

  • CT (yang selasa) itu cross training. biasanya gue TRX aja di rumah. atau kalo males skip atau push-up & sit-up doang. hihihi. [/*]
  • rabu itu semacem tempo run. katanya sih gunanya biar lebih kuat larinya... hehe. [/*]
  • jumat long runnya gue. [/*]
  • sabtu active recovery day... lari santai dan ga jauh2. [/*]
  • kamis & minggu libur... hehe. [/*]

ntar bakalan ada tambahan2 lagi ttg energy boost dan ngatur minum... blum berpengalaman nih. kalo ada yang mau nambah2in lagi... monggo lho!

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

nambah info lagi....

berhubung lari 21k bakal lebih dari 1.5 jam, gue mulai strategizing hydration dan energy consumption during runs... ternyata kalo untuk long runs, kadang perlu "makan" di tengah jalan biar ga abis bensin.

trus baca2 disini deh... katanya:

When you run for under 90 minutes, most of your energy comes from stored muscle glycogen. If you're running for longer than 90 minutes, the sugar in your blood and liver glycogen become more important because your stored muscle glycogen gets depleted. Fueling with carbs during your longer runs will prevent you from running out of energy and help boost your performance.

ada yang minum sports drink, ada juga yang makan gel. bahasan yang lebih detail ttg energy gel/bars & electrolytes ada disini. kalo barang2 untuk bawa minuman, adanya disini.

berhubung aku ga suka sports drink, jadi sekarang ini milih makan gel (setiap 40-45 min) dan bawa air putih, soalnya makan gel mesti sambil minum air putih.

untuk bawa air putihnya, aku pake ransel yang ada sedotannya itu... kayak gini bentuknya.


? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

sadisss Thall...

good luck for the race yah


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Iya iiiihhh sumpah kereeeen! Sigi lewat nih! :p
Good luck binggi! *nari pompom bareng melon & aina*

Btw, jadi baca-baca tentang tempo run deh :)

website : http://thebabybirds.net
twitter/IG : @almaviva


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

fanny + nyanya - hihihi, jadi malu... makasii yaaa. beneran perlu luck nih, smoga nyampe dan ga pengsan di jalan... :D

nya, kalo masih baru mulai, jangan tempo run dulu... semua speed work berat di badan. takut injured. katanya sebaiknya mulai speedwork kalo udah 3-6 bulan solid running.

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

good luck thal... run happy & finish strong!

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

ninit - tenkyuu nit! ajakin adit share disini dong... jadi ada temen dan bisa liat2 mestinya ngapain aja kalo mo 21k.

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

kemaren sempet nanya sama adit... kok lari half marathon di GBK pula. apa ngga bosen?
trus kata adit... lagi enak aja. karena tidur cukup, makan enak... jadi sebelum lari, adit makan salad dengan blue cheese yang mayan banyak. trus kalo capek, ya jalan aja... run smart, mengingat kan lututnya lagi problematik.

lagi nunggu dhitri main ke forum ini nih biar bisa share pengalamannya :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Salam kenal buat thalia, nyanya, fanny - I'm Fairy from KL, diajak Teh Ninit untuk berbagi2 pengalaman training untuk half marathon. I will join my first half marathon this Saturday (20/10/12) di Putrajaya Night Marathon (beberapa IndoRunners juga akan ikutan). I've only been running since January 2011, jadi this is an exciting milestone for me.

Personally for me I follow Coach Jenny's Half Marathon training for the busy girl, requires only 3 times/week of running (emphasis is on quality not quantity). Saya pertama kali lihat training plan ini di majalah Women's Running issue May kalau tak salah. So it's nice to see an online version of it so I can share it around:


Semoga bermanfaat, sekian. Good luck ladies. :)


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

wah ada Fairy disini.. selamat bergabung! wow, udah mau ikutan half marathon yaa?? that's awesome.. good luck!

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

runFairyrun - halo, salam kenal! good luck half-nya yaaa! bentar lagi! :D

thanks for sharing the training plan. cocok banget buat mama yang kerja nih. ntar kalo udah kelar, share ceritanya. pengen tau soalnya :)

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

sLesTa wrote:
wah ada Fairy disini.. selamat bergabung! wow, udah mau ikutan half marathon yaa?? that's awesome.. good luck!

Hi sLesTa, salam kenal. :) Thank you for the warm welcome and the well wishes for my 1st HM ya. Ada ikutan acara race apa lagi untuk tahun ini?


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

thalia wrote:
runFairyrun - halo, salam kenal! good luck half-nya yaaa! bentar lagi! :D

thanks for sharing the training plan. cocok banget buat mama yang kerja nih. ntar kalo udah kelar, share ceritanya. pengen tau soalnya :)

hello thalia, iya training plan itu sangat sesuai untuk ladies yang super sibuk (like you working mamas). Sure saya boleh berkongsi cerita pengalaman first half marathon, no problem. I usually write about my race recaps on my personal running blog, you are welcome to check it out there nanti-nya.



Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

btw, itu training plan untuk half mar nya sama persis dengan schedule run gue. cuma perlu nambah distance aja. yaayy!! mudah2an nanti pas udah siap mau ikutan HM, udah tinggal di apply.

fairy kalo gue sih, in 2 weeks mau ikutan KOTR singapore 16.8K, trus nov ada great eastern women run 10K, dan stanchart marathon 10K. thalia ikut yang 21K di stanchart.

for me, gue lagi delay 21K until next year, when i'm done breastfeeding my daughter :)

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Salam kenal Fairy! Asiiiik sering-sering share tentang lari ya. Biar saya termotivasi :D Good luck buat marathonnya :)

website : http://thebabybirds.net
twitter/IG : @almaviva


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

sLesTa wrote:
btw, itu training plan untuk half mar nya sama persis dengan schedule run gue. cuma perlu nambah distance aja. yaayy!! mudah2an nanti pas udah siap mau ikutan HM, udah tinggal di apply.

fairy kalo gue sih, in 2 weeks mau ikutan KOTR singapore 16.8K, trus nov ada great eastern women run 10K, dan stanchart marathon 10K. thalia ikut yang 21K di stanchart.

for me, gue lagi delay 21K until next year, when i'm done breastfeeding my daughter :)

Shinta, you live in SG don't you. :) Banyak races di sana, good luck for all of them! Take your time to do a HM, no sense rushing. Saya selalu percaya if you're not ready for it, don't do it yet. I certainly took my time... :)


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

nyanya wrote:
Salam kenal Fairy! Asiiiik sering-sering share tentang lari ya. Biar saya termotivasi :D Good luck buat marathonnya :)

Hi nyanya, salam kenal juga. I love to talk about running, jadi yuk, sama2 berbagi2 cerita and tips ya. :)

Eh saya lari HM bukan FM, jangan salah - distance yang sangat berbeda! :D


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

fairy - hihihi iyaaaa lupa ngetik half-nya *my bad!* :)

website : http://thebabybirds.net
twitter/IG : @almaviva


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

nyanya wrote:
fairy - hihihi iyaaaa lupa ngetik half-nya *my bad!* :)

nyanya, it's ok dear. Phew. :)

Btw I checked out your website, it is awesome. Loved the layout, sering tulis ttg lari? Keep it up! I linked your blog from mine. You too sLesTa. :)



Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Finally did it last Saturday. 22.5 K nike+ record, or 21.5K as per my own record. will share about it in a little while. Reverting ya guys.

Before I have kids I have 2 parenting theories.
I have 2 kids now. And I have no theory.


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

adit - yay! congrats! hebat ih... ditunggu ceritanya :)

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Well OK, here it goes. I did the 1/2 marathon (let's call it 1/2M because am too lazy to write marathon) last week on saturday night 13 oct.

1. on thursday night doc told me to do MRI.
2. on friday night i did the mRI.
3. saturday morning, consult with doc again. he said am OK to run. marathon is also OK. just need cold compression right after running.

So I went running straight the following night.

1. lunch: ate heavy lunch. 2 plates of rice. heaviest carb possible.
2. dinner: ate light diner. salad + chicken + cheese + potatoes + lots and lots of blue cheese dressings, which happens to contains enough calories to by the way, cancel the very intention diet using salad.

during running:
1. drank alot of water during the run. Prolly about 4-6 x 500 ml bottles.
2. nice music. Not too up beat.
3. need to choose slower pace, much slower than if we're doing 10K.
4. tapes for (sorry) nipples. when we running > 10K, the running tees tend to rub on the nipples causing annoying irritation. really.

key learnings:
the 1/2M was actually unintentional. first i wanted to do 10K. then I thought, i missed the entire adidas 10 mile thingy in september. I had to make up to that. So I went further 6.8 K. Then I thought, I need to train for 1/2M SC in JKT and 4 nov and in SIN 2 dec. So I need to stop running 10K and try out 1/2M. So I went further 6 K.

1. iphone can last for 3 hours, covering 1/2M. when i stopped it was still 20%.

2. since this decision was made on the spot, would pretty much say am so not prepared for it on the energy refill. This explains why on Km 18-22.5 i started to imagine all things from KFC, martabak, ayam suharti to abuba steak. (in the end, I ate indome). next time, energy bars like snickers is a must have.

3. I walked the last 2-3 KM because by that time I was really drained physically (thus energy bar) and the knee also hurt.

4. the 3G signal was bad on K4 and K8. was running for 300 meters and Nike+ said, KM 5 and KM 10 already. If I counted correctly, nike+ over measured the KM by 1 to 1.4 km. Hence I deliberately run 22.5 KM to make sure that I did physically pass that 1/2M mark (21.3 or 21.2 K if not mistaken). I wont let weak signal steal my pride.

5. need to bring that cold thingy in the car so that I can use it right after.

Think my actual pace was 21.2 km / 148 minutes = 6.98/km. make it pace 7/km.

So that's that guys.

It was really nice knowing that i can in fact, finish a 1/2M. now I know I can beat this thing with minimum preparation. with better preparation i can do better. Just wondering 1 thing tho... I did this, at night time. all race will start at dawn and finish in the morning. Dont know how that will impact my performance.

anyways, that is all for now. Thanks guys.

Before I have kids I have 2 parenting theories.
I have 2 kids now. And I have no theory.


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Adhit, you can just refer to Half Marathons as HM. :) Btw, nice overview of how you tackled your first training, it's definitely do-able with minimal training if you've been a runner long enough and not too crazy about beating a PR. :D


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Just want to share with everyone I successfully completed my first half marathon in Putrajaya last night, it was an event to remember. :D

Many have given me advice on how to tackle it and it's always down to the same fundamental: START SLOW, FINISH STRONG. I followed this mantra with all my heart. When many people started to walk half-way because they were bonked out, I was still running, and all the way to the finish line.

My first 10k I ran slow at 8min/km, partly because I was unsure if I ran faster I'd still have enough energy after 11km (maklum, my longest distance before this was "only" 16.8km at KOTR). After that I raised the pace to around 7.3-7.5min/km. The last 2-3km I pushed it to 7.0-7.11m/km. It is not that fast, I know - but they always say don't expect anything much from your maiden HM, except from FINISHING!

And another thing about HM which I learned: it is all about ENERGY MANAGEMENT, above all else. Pacing, sufficient hydrating and refueling are key.

Sebenarnya saya sedikit dilema about my finishing time karena menurut jam Garmin dan footpod-ku, I clocked 22.9km (almost 23km kan?). Jadi official timing saya pasti tidak sebagus persis distance 21km/13.1miles. Jadi untuk mengatasi rasa ketidakpuashatian itu, saya akan guna timing dari Nike+ app saya sebagai benchmark PR saya.

I can tell you more but would prefer to do it in a blog post, jadi sementara itu here are two photos I want to share:

Me in my finisher's t-shirt (my running vest was SOAKED macam baru habis main air hujan so I definitely had to change):

My finisher's medal:

Semoga memberi inspirasi kepada semua to do your first half marathon, because it is definitely a totally different experience than a 10k.


Topic: [run] Training for a Half Marathon (21K) Race

Hoaaa Fairy!!! Congrats!!!!