Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

boleh dong :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Ikutaan....nge fans banget sama Amy Chua. Plus mau denger mengenai Suzuki Music itu :)

1. Eka - Mamod
2. Sidta - Mamod
3. Fanny - Mamod
4. Rika
5. Nildha
6. Crey
7. Oci
8. Jessti
9. Cynthia
10. Yesi
11. Bundabobo
12. Yuli
13. Sukma
14. Ayu
15. Inga
16. Aliya


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

ikuttt moms...

1. Eka - Mamod
2. Sidta - Mamod
3. Fanny - Mamod
4. Rika
5. Nildha
6. Crey
7. Oci
8. Jessti
9. Cynthia
10. Yesi
11. Bundabobo
12. Yuli
13. Sukma
14. Ayu
15. Inga
16. Aliya
17. Vera


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Ikut daftar ya moms
1. Eka - Mamod
2. Sidta - Mamod
3. Fanny - Mamod
4. Rika
5. Nildha
6. Crey
7. Oci
8. Jessti
9. Cynthia
10. Yesi
11. Bundabobo
12. Yuli
13. Sukma
14. Ayu
15. Inga
16. Aliya
17. Vera
18. Tiara

maminya vania n mika


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Sebel banget ga bisa ikuuutt. Huhuhu.

website : http://thebabybirds.net
twitter/IG : @almaviva


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Mamas.. Ini para pak suami pada ikut ga yah? Tampaknya suamiku musti dirayu2 dulu nih biar mau ikut :D

a happy wife & mom always defines me best! :)


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Sukie - bawa aja kie, Rara mah baik :)

19. Chika

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Maaaf yaa ga jd dtg. Rasya tiba2 demam:(

'Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried
jobs... since the payment is pure love' ~mildred~


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

ysee - ya kesian Abang Rasya.. cepet sehat lagi ya ganteng sholeh :) kalo gitu yg bulan depan ikutan ya yah Yes ;)

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Editor In Chief TUM: Ninit, Mamods, and PR staff :)

TUM onstage

TUM dan para Nara Sumber

foto lain menyusul ya mamas.. tangannya masih rebutan sama miguel niy.

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Siska.knoch, gak mau liat gak mau liat gak mau liat *ratapan orang yg nyesel berat karna gak bs dateng :P *

yakin nih pasti pada nyalon dulu or minimal luluran pake resep tante otty yak ... cantik2 sekali.

less ego, more heart


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

huaaaa chika rara sih emang baik, kayak mamanya.haha
aku juga ga jadi dateng, soalnya hubby kemaren udah telat,jadi ngedropnya ga jadi di kemang...ngedropnya di MAG dueh..huhuhuhu

pasti seru yeee


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

sukie kl soal diskusi bukunya sih, ga usah nyesel ga dtg, krn sorry to say, kurang bgs euy. Ga byk diskusi soal Si Amy Chua dan bukunya, malah lbh ke General Parenting. Moderator dari Times-nya kayanya hrs dikasi masukan tuh ato diganti sama mamods dr TUM aja hehehe...
Tapii kumpul2 sama mamas TUM stlh acara, yg dirimu hrs nyesel ga dtg hihi...
Kl buat gw seneng bs hadir krn menang kuis, dpt buku dr TIMES :D


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

Sidta - sayang banget ga dateng sit.. mumpung masih bisa kangen2an sama bontang tamu a.k.a tante eropahh hihi

sukie - rr.. bagus deh telat, sekalian kasih kesempatan oci menang kuis heheh biasanya tiap dikau datang kan situ lucky terus hahaha *kidding bumilkuuuh

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

oi oci, iiih kamu bumil yang tegaa..hikhik :p
chika haha amiiin, kayaknya lebih milih jadi orang bejo (lucky in Javanese) daripada jadi orang pinter (emangnyaparanormal?? hihi)..;)
eh jangan2 pas ditarik undiannya nama gue ya yang keluar? ;D (pede abissss)


Topic: [2011] - JKT: BOOK CLUB: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - TIMES & TUM

ini telat bgt uploadnyaah..tp upload aja aah heheeh
the venue

mamas TUMblers

para pembicara

TUMblers formasi lengkap hehehe

Geng SeptemberCeria...walaupun akhirnya dua jd Agustusan :p