Topic: Mempersiapkan Calon Kakak

moms, bener gak sih anak 26 bulan jadi rewel kalo mamanya hamil lg?
bbrp hari ini anakku rewel bgt gak mau ditinggal kerja, tidur minta ditemenin & dipeluk, tyt kmrn aku test pack positif, mgkn gak sih krn faktor aku hamil ??
tks mommies


Topic: Mempersiapkan Calon Kakak

Akhirnya ketemu juga topic lama yang setema dengan ini. silahkan di cek disini. Tahap mengenalkan calon adik ke si sulung Jadi yang ini di close saja yaa.. :)

An ordinary bunda of twin amazing angels, Kira and Kara Setyadi
@wiwidwadmira | the Setyadi's


Topic: Mempersiapkan Calon Kakak

As soon as your capstone paper is ready, you are only halfway through. Writing a report on your paper writing essay, which should clearly illustrate investigated issues and their solutions, is equally tough. Let an experienced specialist accomplish it, meeting all the requirements.


Topic: Mempersiapkan Calon Kakak

Urban Mama is a great brand. I love their clothes and the way they look. But my main concern is that the clothes are too expensive. If you want to buy something from UMB, you have to be rich because their prices are high. You should visit women's golf shop to buy beautiful outfits for playing. I've used it a few times and am always happy with the results. It's also a great place to find out about the latest trends and ideas that are happening in our world. I would definitely recommend this brand though.


Topic: Mempersiapkan Calon Kakak

I'm like the groove of it