Gambar dan penjelasan bisa dilihat di sini.
Ketahuan mulai umur berapa, IMO kalo dia udah lancar jalan...
Trus tadi baca2, katanya mendingan anak2 sering jalan tanpa alas kaki...
Hoiya, dari sini, ada cara mudah mendeteksi kita flat feet apa gak:
There's an easy way to tell if you have flat feet. Simply wet your feet, then stand on a flat, dry surface that will leave an imprint of your foot. A normal footprint has a wide band connecting the ball of the foot to the heel, with an indentation on the inner side of the foot. A foot with a high arch has a large indentation and a very narrow connecting band. Flat feet leave a nearly complete imprint, with almost no inward curve where the arch should be.
sini juga ada penjelasan yg lebih menenangkan, katanya ya kalau gak ada keluhan, gak perlu pakai sepatu khusus atau ke dokter...
"Some things you can give and give and not lose any. Things like happiness or love or my colours."
–Elmer and the Rainbow