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The Urban Mama Forum

Forums in this category with details of topics, posts, last post

Hello Mamas & Papas

Hello Mamas & Papas, netiquette, suggestions, & questions.

Dear members, kindly please introduce yourself here. Don't forget to read our netiquette. If you have suggestions & questions, don't hesitate to say something here.

Events & Announcements

Announcements of any changes to the forum, contests, events, etc. To share your events, please send us email at [email protected].

TUM 4 Indonesia!

An on-going charity effort by TUM. Let's share and give :)



Let's discuss about pregnancy here. Gynecolog, Hospital, baby shower etc.


Birth talks, natural, caesarean, induced or premature. Breastfeeding. Formulafeeding. Gear & essentials. Share yours here.


S/he is no longer your cute baby but already a little girl/boy. Share your joys and everything about them here.


Starting school, doing homework, doing sports, let's discuss everything about child here.

General Parenting

Share parenting experiences & tips with others

For Mama

Hello Urban Mamas! Let's talk about style & beauty here. Nursing wear, maternity dress etc.

For Papa

Hello Urban Papas! Share your tips on how to avoid bruises on your arms during birth process, bond with your kids and everything in between!

Trying to Conceive

Have some tips and tricks to get pregnant? Dealing with miscarriages? Please come in and share!


Too old for toys, too young for boys (or girls?). When everything is in between.


The transitional stage. Puberty. They said, if men from Mars, women from Venus, teenagers are from Pluto. Let's get to know the Plutonians.

The Urban Fit (Fitness and Health)

Healthy Diets

Weight Loss, Nutritions

Walking, Running, Swimming and Cycling

Joggings, Triathlons, etc

Body and Minds

Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Meditation, etc

Gym and Classes

Personal Training, Weight Training, Zumba class, Aerobics

Sports & Martial Arts

Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Tennis, Boxing, Capoiera, Tae Kwon Do...

Health & Wellness

Body Image, Dealing with Stress, Injury Prevention & Recovery

Mama's Home & Kitchen


Got recipes for baby, toddler, or the whole family? Share your recipes here, Mamas & Papas!

Kitchen Talk

Anything and everything around the kitchen.

Home Sweet Home

Home is where the love is. Furnitures, home decorations, wallpapers and paintings... talk about it here.

Fun Mama

Urban Kids Gallery

This forum is only viewable by registered members.

Playdates and Kopdars

Meeting up for playdates with other Urban Mamas and Papas? Make the arrangements here!

Smart Mama

Health Matters

TORCH tests, pap smear

Financial Matters

Insurance, Financial plans for Birth and the Kids, even Job Vacancies :)

Mama's Book Club

Mama's References

Doctors and Specialists

please share the doctors you trust, it could be pediatrician, lactation consultant, etc.

Maternity Hospital

Do you have recommended maternity hospital? Please share your story here.

Forum statistics

  • Total number of registered users: 93.677
  • Newest registered user: iindahlia
  • Total number of topics: 14.436
  • Total number of posts: 245.529