Tag: Exercise


Kids Run 2013

Kids Run 2013

Last May, a bunch of Mama Runners SG and their kids joined Cold Storage Kids Run 2013 in Singapore. Aina had been waiting for this event with much anticipation... she calls it, "MY running race" :)

Kids Run Singapore

Kids Run Singapore

Lomba lari tidak hanya buat orang dewasa. Di Singapura, anak-anak pun ada acara lomba larinya. Lengkap dengan official running tee dan medali!

Working-Out After Having a Baby

Working-Out After Having a Baby

After I had my first daughter, my doctor told me that I should start working out to get rid of those flabby tummy. I said yes but it was so hard to find a time to exercise with a baby around. So how do you keep an exercise routine in your daily activity?

Hard Question #632

Hard Question #632

During lunch, Aina asked, “Binggi, when I grow up, will you get old?” “When you get old, I will not be able to see the young binggi anymore, right? What happen if i miss the young binggi?" “Binggi, when you get old, you will die, right?”

Berlari Bersama Balita

Berlari Bersama Balita

Bulan Mei lalu, untuk pertama kalinya Aina berpartisipasi di Kids Run, kegiatan yang ditunggu-tunggu sejak satu setengah bulan sebelumnya.

An-Uber Cool Papa

An-Uber Cool Papa

Coba bayangkan ketika dia di masa SMP/SMA... Berapa usia kita nanti? Apakah kita masih mempunyai energi dan kemampuan untuk menemani mereka main lempar-tangkap bola? Besides, you will be an Uber-cool Dad if you can still play basketball with his highschool team.

Olahraga & Menyusui

Olahraga & Menyusui

Apakah olahraga selama menyusui akan mempengaruhi supply ASI dan kandungan nutrisinya? Apakah lactid acid bertambah kalau ibu menyusui rajin olahraga? Kan katanya nanti ASI nya jadi asem loh! Apa benar sebaiknya tidak berolahraga dulu selama menyusui? I proved it wrong. Yuk, urban Mama, mari berolahraga!

Healthy Mama Makes Healthy Family

Healthy Mama Makes Healthy Family

I want to grow old healthy and strong. So i can be there for my daughter, and in time, my grandchildren. So from now on, i promise my self to keep a healthy lifestyle: eat healthy and exercise!

Sport Relief Mile 2012

Sport Relief Mile 2012

Whether you never run in your life, carrying a baby, pushing a pram, or even on the wheel chair, you still can do the mile!

Prenatal Yoga At Your Own Comfort

Prenatal Yoga At Your Own Comfort

As an on and off yoga practitioner, I chose to continue doing yoga while I was pregnant. Somehow it helps my breathing and it relaxes me during my pregnancy! Here are some of the prenatal yoga poses that you can do at home - on your own - during your pregnancy.