Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congrats nya mom otty:)
Kl ada makan2 jangan dilupakan yaa:p

'Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried
jobs... since the payment is pure love' ~mildred~


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

momma otty, selamat dng status barunya ya..
ikutan dong kalo makan2.. *wink wink*

Can't stop falling in love with SABQI


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat buat mamanya Nara!!!

not yet wife & mom, trying to take advance start


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Ntar makan2nya dibayarin sama thalia, slesta, n ninit :D

yang selalu kangen sama si pipi gembil


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Wah..baru bisa online lagi ternyata udah ada bu momod baru..Congrats ya Otty...Itu avatarnya lucu banget si...



Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Kalo nggak buka TUM agak lamaan memang ketinggalan gosip :(
Selamat yaaa mbak Otty:*
Semoga sukses dalam mengemban jabatan barunya

Nobody could teach somebody to be a good mother. Only God and the mom's own will would
-bunda 2L-


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

hi all,

nambah announcement lagi yaa... mulai hari ini, eka bakal bantu2 kita moderating forum TUM ini barengan shinta, otty dan gue (ninit sibuk ama editorial-nya TUM, hehe).

so, let's welcome ibu moderator baru! yay!

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

waaahhh mama ekaaa =) hore hore ada mama mod baru lagi (ini mama moderator gak ada yang di jkt yah haha)...suxes ya, heheh...

a working mum who longs to be at home with baby yo all day.


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Horeee... Selamat buat eka! :) Gue kasih warning aja, emak2 di sini pada doyan ngobroooooooooolll... :D

yang selalu kangen sama si pipi gembil


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats mama ekaaaaa..... sakseissss jadi ibu mod yaaaahhhhh...


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

wua mama ekaaa congrattttssss :D


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Yaaay eka..congrats yaa:)

'Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried
jobs... since the payment is pure love' ~mildred~


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yuuhuuuu ada bumod baru lagi! *pasang mercon* :P, met tugas!

In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf ~ Eric Carle


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

cihuyy,,,selamat bertugas ya mommy eka


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat buat bu mods baru, yang sabar ya menghadapi kita :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat yaa mama eka siap siap sibuk neeeh :D


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congrats ya Eka...slmt bertugas menangani kebawelan kita, hihihi

metariza.com | mother of two |@metariza


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

waaa... selamat mama Eka! selamat bertugas juga... :)

..saksikan aku, seorang ibu..


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

eka, emaknya Enzo & Dante?... Selamat bertugas yaaa...

mamahnya Aga & Asa :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yeay! selamat eka.. i love most of your posts and your writing style, seringnya menenangkan hati!


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

thank you ya semuanya..
tantangan terbesar adalah menertibkan ibu2 yg pada doyan ngobrol ini.. hihihi..
*tarik nafas dalam2..*

a life-enjoyer mama :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat yaa mama eka,
ayo syukuran sekalian kopdaran bandung, hihiy...

wah pas bgt otty dan eka, para employee s*******a pada dikaryakan nih sama TUM :D

follow me @ulieeel


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Yayy! Congrats eka. Selamat bertugas :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

drtd pas diannounce ma thalia sambil mikir *mama eka yg mana ya, yg orang bandung bukan sih?*, eeh ternyata bener mamanya enzo n dante, yg tinggal di bandung :D

selamat bertugas ya mba...! :)

bab ? atha ? kae ? nda


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

eka ~ congrats ya bu.. emang pantes jadi mods, krn suka mengawasi pd dini hari.. hihiyyy..

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..