Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Yiipppieeee congrats mba chika..selamat btugas...semangat yaaaa..srg2 bkin acara ktmuan nya yaaa ?Hë•?•hë•?•Hë•?•hë? *smbil niup terompet tabur bunga mawar..lebay*


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Waah congrats yaa siska.knoch!

Semoga TUM makin keren dg ditambahnya pesonil baru (emang band apa?hehe)

Jika kita sebut diri ini FULL TIME MOM, sudahkah anak-anak kita benar-benar merasakan bahwa kita ADA untuk mereka?


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats to chika !, event pertama bertugas resmi kopdar bandung ya ? hehe, sayang ga bisa ikut :(

bunda cacha dan hafidz


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yay! selamat bertugas chika. looking fwd for more TUM offline events.. pasti seruuu.. :D


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

slamat..slamatt chika..
ayo dibikin kopdar salsa :D


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

chika wuaaaahhh PR baru nya TUM! :) congratsss Chikaaa


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yay for chika!


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Wow, congrats chika...

"Some things you can give and give and not lose any. Things like happiness or love or my colours."
–Elmer and the Rainbow


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamet ya chika!!!!

not yet wife & mom, trying to take advance start


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congratz Chika


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Yaaay Chikaa :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Waaa selamat yaa siska.... byk2 bikin acara kopdar deh biar mamas tum makin kompak!!!!

happy with my lovely hubby and cute evelyn


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congratz chika :)

Falling In Love with My baby ^^

The Pinkypolka


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamet ya siska..

..parenthood is a never ending learning journey..


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yeah go go chicka, selamat selamat selamat! bakal sering kopdar nih, hihi

Ibunya Mika yang selalu pengen punya waktu banyak buat Mika



Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

tadi di twitter udah nyelametin, tapi belum afdol dongg klo belum nyelametin disini....hehe

congrats ya Chik...makin tenang dan senang karena urusan kopdar-kopdaran nanti pasti beres klo dipegang Chika...hip hip hurray!

metariza.com | mother of two |@metariza


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats momi chika! :D

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats Chika!!!!! selamat bekerja :D

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats chika... :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yay! selamat bergabung chika..

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

yippeee..selamat mba Chika...semangaaatt!!

'love to watch Amira sleep'


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congratsss chikaaa :D *cipika cipiki* ]
duuhh, telat ya gw taunya...

Reborn since El was born


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congratos and good luck mommy Chik!

website : http://thebabybirds.net
twitter/IG : @almaviva


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

sama ky meta,td udh sempet ngucapin di twitter,tp kurang afdol klo di TUM ga ikutaann..
akhirnya ada jg announcements-nya
Congrats yah chika,emang paling megang klo urusan kopdaran..yg kopdar bali jg atas usulan chika kan?!
met bertugas yah..

A Mother Always Bring Extra Love...


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Slesta,Thalia, Teh Nit - Thank You, honored to be one of the team..!:)
urban mamas - Makasi buat semua supportnya ya.. wish me luck, semoga acara off air semakin memperkuat TUM, *pelukmamasatu-satu* hidup TUM *kampanyemode:ON* ;)

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby