Ephraim (2y10mos. Belum bisa baca tentunya :p)
Di Lavie Babyshop
Ephraim pointed at one toy car.
Ephraim : Mak, I want to buy the toy, Mak...
Mamak : You already have enough toy at home, Mang. I don't think it's a good idea to buy a toy now
Ephraim : But I want to but that, Mak...
Mamak : How can you buy the toy? You don't have money
Ephraim : YOU have money, Mak. YOU buy the toy (dengan penekanan di YOU sambil senyum-senyum)
Emaknya langsung nyari-nyari bapaknya, biarkan beliau saja yang ambil alih tanggung jawab ini.
Home, Before Christmas
Percobaan bikin white chocolate chips cookies, kayaknya berhasil secara rasa karena habis dalam sehari , dan sudah tidak ada di saat Natal.
Ephraim with mouth full of cookies asked me nicely
Ephraim : I want some more cookies, Mak
Mamak : Ok, but only one, cause you already eat a lot of cookies..
Ephraim : No, Mak, I want Three, ok? (sambil dengan hati-hati menunjuk ke tiga jari)
Mamak : Three is not an option. Do you want ONE or not at all?
Ephraim grinned (I can feel something's wrong here)
Ephraim : ALL, Mak. I want ALL
Hmm..I think we haven't teach him that Not at ALL is the antonym of ALL.
In the Car, On the Way to BSM to Watch Winter Bear Symphony
Hidup di Bandung dikelilingi 4 gunung.
Ephraim : Pak, that's the mountain, Pak! (waving outside) Hello, Mountaiiiiiin!!
Ephraim then curiously looked at his Father who's driving.
Ephraim : Pak, do you think Mountain has mouth, Pak?
Bapak : No, I don't think so.
Ephraim : Do you think Mountain can speak, Pak?
Bapak : No, I don't think so. Why do you ask?
Ephraim : But Paaaak, the mountain in Dora the Exploded (yah, he said exploDED , not exploRER...) have mouth and can speak, Pak...
Bapak : (nada ragu) But that's in the movie, Ephraim...
Ephraim : Why, Pak?
Emaknya langsung sibuk nenenin Gaoqi, pura-pura gak ikutan.
In the Taxi, On the Shortcut in Buah Batu
Sumpe jalanan jelek banget, jadi di taksi yang jelas-jelas sedan itu terasa banget juglak-jugluk.
Ephraim : Mak, why the road is bumpy, Mak?
Hoalah, tiba-tiba emaknya pengen datengin Dada Rosada dan menanyakan hal yang sama , kenapa hampir semua jalanan di Bandung jelek banget.
But there's no way I tell my boy about Dada Rosada and this government thing right now.
Mamak : Well, maybe because too many vehicle pass this road...
Ephraim terlihat puas untuk jawaban emaknya kali ini.
Home, Dining Table
Ephraim had his lunch (ikan mas arsik, dia suka ternyata yippie), and I ate rengginang.
Ephraim : Mak, you eat kerupuk, Mak?
Mamak : (menyesal makan di depan si bocah) Ya...
Ephraim : That's only for adults, Mak?
Mamak : (relieved) Yes, honey.
Ephraim : Ok, so when I get bigger, I can eat the kerupuk, rite, ak?
Er...somehow I feel that someday my boy will ask me so many things for 'things that we classify only for adults' because he get bigger
In the Car, on the Way to Om Rahman's House
Bapak : Dek, jalan masuk ke rumah si Rahman yang mana, ya?
Mamak : Kayaknya jalan setelah Jogja (Griya) itu, deh Bang...
Ephraim who sits at the back answered enthusiastically : Where is Jogja, Mak?
Meski agak bingung kenapa dia bertanya, emaknya menunjuk ke gedung Jogja (Griya) di sebelah kiri jalan.
Ephraim : I want to go to Jogja, Mak.
Mamak : Why do you want to go there? There's no toy there, only people selling clothes...
Ephraim : I want to go to Jogja, Mak, I want to see the people in Merapi Mountain....
I almost laughed to hear his answer, but he continued
Ephraim : I want to give the blanket to the people in Merapi Mountain, Mak. And the food, too, and the milk, and the diapers, and the books, too. The people in Merapi Mountain don't have toys, rite, Mak?
And I swallowed my tears.