Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Wah setuju sangat atas terpilihnya Sidta jd Mamods yg baru, mama sidta ini suka & cpt bgt bantuin para mamas yg butuh info2 cepat manakala para mamods yg lain belum hadir di thread tertentu.

congrats Sidta, selamat mengawal gawang ;) *apaan sih*

A Mother Always Bring Extra Love...


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

waaa congratulations Sidta,
semoga TUM tambah 'besar' dan sukses didukung sama mamas yang hebat-hebat :)

metariza.com | mother of two |@metariza


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat sidtaaa :)

selamat juga buat TUM yang tambah besar :)

follow me @ulieeel


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congrats ya sidta.. :)

To have a child is to know the beauty of life..-parenthood-


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamaaatttt *tiuup terompet* smg tambah banyak lagi moderator, terutama yang di wilayah Jawa Timur juga (buat nemenin mbak otty) hihihi............

Usul nih, gmn kalau mods ada ditiap pulau. Jawa, Kalimantan, Sumatera dll. Biar gampang kordinator kalau mau kopdar atau ngadain event. Who knows, berawal dari TUM kita bisa bentuk komunitas ibu2 terbesar di Indonesia, AMINN!



Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat bertugaaass mbak Sidta!!
baru ngeh kalo skrg forumnya dibagi2 per moderator ya?
anywy, gmn sih caranya jd forum moderator? hihi.. #kepo

- Provides a boy with the courage to explore the outside world -

@shalihare ||


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

ietha, cindy, elvaza. makasih ya ... amien semua doanya yg baik2 :D
otty, hihi .. kayany malah aku deh yg selama ini bawel *ngitung dosa*, thx y
restya, thx mb, tau rasanya klo lamaa g direply makany suka iseng bantuin :D
metariza, myallayna, citra, dinda permata, thx ya ... amien semoga TUM tambah besar n makin inspiring ...

less ego, more heart


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Yay..congrat Sidta...selamat bertugas ya :)



Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Sidta selamat bertugas ya :)

bunda cacha dan hafidz


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats jeung Sidta :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congrats Sidta, selamat bertugas ya :)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Yeay..mama mod baru..selamaaaaaaaaat sidta sukseeeeees *sambil keplok2 tepuk tangan* ;)

mother | wife | baker wanna be


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

*standing applause*
horeeeeeeee!!!! congratssss Sidta :D
Senangnya TUM makin berkembang :D
Keep up the good work :))

Reborn since El was born


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

waaa Mama Asa selamat ya
semoga cepat beradaptasi dgn tugas baru sbg moderator. smangatt :D


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

HOREEE selamat mom sidta..n salam kenal :)

follow me @mommykanyazoya

"By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class."


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

selamat yaaa sidta :) :)

~Aysha's mom~


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Waaa.. selamat ya Sidta! Tadi baru nyadar jg kalo tiap mamamods dibagi2 per forum..


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Sidta,congrats yaah.. :*
*cipika cipiki *
*sodorin piring minta potongan tumpeng*

Jika kita sebut diri ini FULL TIME MOM, sudahkah anak-anak kita benar-benar merasakan bahwa kita ADA untuk mereka?


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Rella, Medy, mb Ade, terimakasih ... mohon doanya :D
Ester, Mami Yo, Crey. mommykanyazoya, Mia, matur suwun ....
dewi_joshin, iya sekarang forumnya dibagi saking gedenya TUM
CNAP, bentar, tumpengnya belum dimasak, bahkan bahan2ny belum dibeli :P

less ego, more heart


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

waahhh smakin besar yah TUM.. congrats Sidta.. :)

.. i'm just a girl, a woman, a daughter, a friend, a wife, and a mother..

Our llittle space : http://kakira.my.id/ /@rachanlie


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congrats Sidta...
semoga TUM makin berjaya...hooop...hooop...:)

12.09.10 first time when i saw MIRACLE


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Setelah Baru nyadar ada mamamod baru,,hihihihi,,selamat Sidta,, smoga TUM makin seruu,, ;)


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congratzzzz..... Tar kl ketemu Sidta, tagih makan2 ahhh... :p

Working mom who wants to do it exclusively, especially for my 'Athar"
Tweet me on : @Anggie_mamAthar l My world on : http://maylav.blogspot.com/


Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

congratulations Otty :)

... a counselor, a role model and often a friend to her children
Twitter & Instagram: @honeyjt



Topic: New Moderators & TUM Staff

Congrats Sidta.. selamat bertugas!!!