Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

Hi Urban Mamas, we're having another contest!

We're embracing April in honor to Ibu Kartini and what she has accomplished for Indonesian women.

Becoming a mother is a role that has been there for thousands of years. As a modern mama, you are not only give in to the role of a mama and a wife to your family, but mamas these days lead sooo many different roles to the community. An entrepreneur mama, a multi-tasking mama, an organizer, a storyteller, a traveller and so on and so forth.

We are celebrating the different roles that mama has to juggle as a "Modern Mama". Even if you are a full time mama, you are not only looking after for your family, but you are eager to seek information about how to raise kids. From a product review, writing stories for others to inspire, finding out different methods of parenthood, pregnancy periods, etc.. just all the reasons why you joined our forum.

So, this month, we ask you... "How do you see yourself in your role as a "Modern Mama"?" Show us through the picture of yourself by following these steps:


  • Submit a picture of yourself and your chosen role as Modern Mama.
    You can submit a picture of yourself alone, but preferably with your kids to show your roles as a Modern Mama, as a Modern Kartini. For pregnant mamas-to-be, you are more than welcome to join. After all, carrying a baby inside you already gives you an early experience of a Modern Mama.[/*]
  • Insert these details below the picture:[/*]

  • Your name:[/*]
  • Twitter account (if you have):[/*]
  • Facebook account (link):[/*]
  • Email address:[/*]
  • Title of the picture (role of a modern mama):[/*]
  • Background story of the picture (not more than 1 paragraph, please)[/*]

    Papas, you can join the contest too, but submit your version of "Modern Mama" .. which means the picture of your wife. Pasti seru deh liat how the Papas view their spouse... so, start clicking.. !!

    Terms & Conditions and How the Contest works:
  • You can only submit 1 picture with 1 story[/*]
  • Picture will still be owned by you, but you are giving the rights to us (The Urban Mama) to publish them in our page if your picture is selected as one of the Top 3.[/*]
  • The submission of pictures is open until Sunday, 11 April 2010, 21.00 WIB[/*]
  • We will announce the Top 3 pictures on Tuesday, 13 April 2010[/*]
  • Members then can vote for the winners based on the Top 5 pictures, through our poll section[/*]
  • Voting is open until Tues, 20 April 2010, 23.00 WIB[/*]

    This month's contest is sponsored by The Urban Mama, Zaralde, and 20 Something Shop, where the winners will get:

    1st Prize:
  • IDR 300rb MAP gift certificate from TheUrbanMama[/*]
  • 1 set of Family-Matching T-Shirt from Zaralde[/*]
  • 1 pretty dress from 20 Something Shop.[/*]


    2nd Prize
  • IDR 100rb MAP gift certificate from TheUrbanMama[/*]
  • 1 set of Mom-Child matching T-Shirt from Zaralde[/*]
  • 1 pretty dress from 20 Something Shop.[/*]


    3rd Prize
  • IDR 100rb MAP gift certificate from TheUrbanMama[/*]
  • 1 set of Mom-Child matching T-Shirt from Zaralde[/*]

    we're sharing a few pics of us, to give you an idea.

    Title: Mama, the Storyteller

    Title: We're Travellers

    i'm sure you have wayyy better pictures than ours... share them please!!

    Good luck, mamas! Start clicking and ask your hubby, mom, babysitter, anyone.. to start taking picture of you, doing what you do best... a Mama! :)

  • 2

    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    Waaaa another contest-nya TUM. *kali ini jadi pengamat aja deh ^^v

    pRoud to be Yummy Mommy and Sexy Wifey ^^v
    .: http://airababy.blogspot.com :.


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    myaiRa jangan jadi pengamat doong.. ayookk ikutan!! ubek2 foto giihhh.. yukkkkk yuuukkk... biar rame! :)

    ? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
    owner - slesta.com | @slesta


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    ikutan ah


    Name: Musdalifa Anas
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/musdalifa
    FB: http://facebook.com/musdalifa
    Email: [email protected]
    Title: Perenang handal

    Sejak Lana usia 6 bulan, saya sudah mengajarkan dia untuk mengenal dan menyenangi air. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengajak dan mengajarkan Lana berenang. Sampai sekarang, berenang adalah kegiatan rutin kami hampir di setiap weekend. Senang rasanya melihat Lana sudah bisa menggerakkan kaki dan tangan-nya seperti layak-nya orang berenang.

    Cerita lebih lengkap bisa dilihat di sini :) http://mrs.3daysafter.net/baby-swimming.html


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    slesta & thalia ~ gue mama dari seorang bayi 10 bulan, boleh ikutan nggak? kayanya blom ada pengalaman seru deh, krn umur gilby kan masih kecil :(

    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    banyak dong, pengalaman ganti diaper, suapin makan, nyusui.. ya ngga?
    di TUM bukannya ada professional in changing diaper aka ninit? :D

    And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    thelilsoldier ~ oiyaya, knp gak kepikiran? maksudnya kalo yang traveling kmn2 gt... kan masih belom kali yaa?

    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    stuju ama inga! kegiatan sehari2 kan bisa nunjukin elo sebagai modern mama :)

    ? comic and crochet addict ?
    theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    iyaaa jangan jadi pengamat dong ;) ikutaaan...

    ayooo ikut ikut ikuttt...

    ikutan juga kaaan nga? ;)

    peeeh! keren deh fotonya :) lucu banget ekspresi lana. :)

    ? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    meralda tentunya boleehh.. yang lagi hamil juga boleh kok. misalnya nih kalo lagi hamil tapi tetep kerja & aktif, pasti kan keren banget.. krn tanpa ibu kartini, mungkin bakal ga biasa nih ngeliat ibu2 hamil tetep kerja .. hehe..

    hayooo mama yang lain, ikutan yaaa..

    bundanya lana thanks udah premiere nih.. fotonya keren!

    ? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
    owner - slesta.com | @slesta


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    Title: Mom is a Good Teacher

  • Name: Meralda[/*]
  • Twitter: http://twitter.com/mer_alda[/*]
  • FB: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=100000576007148[/*]

    Tidak ada kata terlalu dini untuk belajar. Belajar bisa dimulai kapan saja, bahkan sejak bayi dalam kandungan. Tetapi metode yang diberikan harus disesuaikan dengan umur anak. Berhubung Gilby masih bayi (10 bulan), saya menerapkan metode bermain sambil belajar. Aktifitas ini kami lakukan diluar rumah, agar mencari suasana baru. Sore hari, sambil duduk di taman menikmati indahnya waktu sore, kami bermain tebak warna. Di foto saya memegang kartu warna hijau sambil menyebutkan "green" dan Gilby memegang kartu kuning, sambil bermain warna dan mengajarkan mana warna hijau, kuning, biru, dst. Guru terbaik untuk anak, adalah ibu. :)

    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..
  • 12

    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    gyaaa....mer, another lovely pic suitable for advertisement, hahaha...
    kok itu bisa ijo-ijo banget sih backgroundnya? huhu...pengen. trus itu ekspresi gilby so sweet banget yaaa...=)

    bundanyalana, as always...lana tuh lucu banget ya, dan suka banget sama fotonya....

    wahhh...mesti ngubek-ngubek foto nih...atau bikin foto baru? hehe

    a working mum who longs to be at home with baby yo all day.


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    Hooo..yang lagi hamil juga boleh yaaa.. Asiiik! *ngubek2 Lightroom cari2 stock foto hamil*

    Inga, LOL..baru ngeh..maksudnya itu teh Ninit * a pro in changing diaper*

    Bundanya Lana, Ya ampun Lana lucu banget itu mulutnya nganga..pasti lagi tereak2 kegirangan karna maen aer :))

    Meralda, Meeer..lo cantik deh..keibuan gitu. Btw, tamannya bikin kaya taun 80-an gitu ya bo'! Hihihi. Oiya, Gilby keliatan kaya bayi buleee :)

    website : http://thebabybirds.net
    twitter/IG : @almaviva


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    ninit, sLesTa..bukan gk mau ikut..secara gw jarang banget difoto bareng anak gw. Kyahahaha.*padahal nepsongg pen ngikuutttt biar numpang nampangg, hehehe*

    pRoud to be Yummy Mommy and Sexy Wifey ^^v
    .: http://airababy.blogspot.com :.


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    meralda whoooooooaaahhh kerrrennnn... Gw pikir iklan apaan, kyahahaha ternyataaaaaaaa. Dimana itu fotonyaaaa bagusnyaaa

    pRoud to be Yummy Mommy and Sexy Wifey ^^v
    .: http://airababy.blogspot.com :.


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    myaiRa ~ wahaha itu ibu2 pada ngecengin foto gue yang disini. bersambung ke thread ini... wahahaha ampunnn dehhh!!!

    fotonya di taman depan rumah gue kok :p

    ayo dong ikutan, mau liat dirimu, si pemenang 1 TUM go green! :p

    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    Bundnayalana Lana baru 6 bulan udah jago berenang, seneng banget kayaknya dia
    Meralda waaa sukaa sama fotonya, bener deh Meralda cantiiikk, Gilby juga serius amat belajarnya, kayak terpesona gitu ma kamu Mer.


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    mau komen sama photonya meralda.. kaya foto vintage iklan piknik.. kekeke.. taman rumahnya bagus....


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    mamas thread ini untuk contest yaa.. so pleasse jangan ngasih komen disini. ntar aja kalo udah kita tampilkan di article yaa.. soalnya ntar kita jadi ribet mesti nyari2 post yang mana yang ada submission fotonya. kan ga seru kalo sampe keselip ...

    thanks for your understanding!! hayoo mendingan submit aja foto2nya.. contoh seru.. lagi breastfeeding, browsing TUM di BB/iphone.. pasti banyak yang gini kaaan?? hayooo.. start clicking!! minta foto ama hubby tuuhh.. :P

    ? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
    owner - slesta.com | @slesta


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    sLesTa ~ mohon maaf ibu moderator... :)

    heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    waahh yang baru ikutan di TUM juga boleh ikut ga? masih ',, btw ini post pertamaaa,,,salam kenal para mama terkereennnn,,, :)

    You don't choose your family.They are God's gift to you, as you are to them
    husnul-ummi dzaky-@husnulfirdaus-


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010


    Name : Shinto
    Twitter page : http://twitter.com/shinto0912
    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=684909689
    Email : [email protected]
    Title of the picture (role of a modern mama) : Tut Wuri Handayani

    Foto ini diambil sewaktu upacara turun tanah (tedak sinten) Bumi. Disini Bumi sedang kami tuntun menaiki tangga yg terbuat dr bambu, yg memliki makna bahwa orang tua selalu siap mendukung anak2nya utk menggapai cita2nya setinggi mungkin. Sebagai seorang istri, orang tua, mahasiswi sekaligus Ibu Rumah Tangga dan owner dari 3 online shop, saya tidak melupakan kewajiban saya yg paling penting yaitu memberikan pengasuhan yg terbaik utk Bumi. Dan meskipun kami hidup di era modern (kami menyebutnya dgn era mbah google) kami tidak meninggalkan warisan adat leluhur kami dan kelak kami jg ingin Bumi tidak melupakan adat istiadat leluhurnya. :)

    ~Life is good~


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    Ikutan ahh... (pengen eksis aja hehe...)


    * Name:
    Eka (Sri Eka Wulandari)
    * twitter account:
    * facebook account:
    * email/ ym:
    [email protected]
    * title of the picture:
    Mama: The Masseuse

    Photo ini diambil waktu Enzo masih berusia 2-3 bulan. Kami berdua sangat menyukai sesi pijat bayi ini. Lima daerah pijatan pada wajah, dada, perut, tangan & kaki, dan punggung membantu kesehatan dan kesempurnaan tumbuh kembang bayi. Selain dapat menenangkan dan menyamankan bayi, pijat bayi juga berfungsi sebagai media untuk mengomunikasikan cinta. Dengan pijat bayi ini, ibu dapat lebih memahami kondisi fisik dan mental si kecil. Pada photo ini, saya sedang memeriksa bagian belakang kuping Enzo :)

    a life-enjoyer mama :)


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010


    Nama: Gabriella Felicia (Ella)
    Twitter account: http://twitter.com/gellacia
    Facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=722043171
    Email/YM: [email protected]
    Title of the picture: Mama, Teman Bermain

    Sebagai ibu bekerja, waktu saya untuk bermain bersama Albert sangatlah terbatas. Karena itu, saya berusaha untuk memanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin waktu yang ada. Mengajak Albert bermain di taman, sambil bermandikan sinar matahari adalah kesempatan langka yang harus dinikmati bersama. Tak hanya Albert yang senang, Mama pun ikut gembira bernostalgia dengan permainan-permainan masa kecil...

    "Some things you can give and give and not lose any. Things like happiness or love or my colours."
    –Elmer and the Rainbow


    Topic: [Contest - 2010] "Modern Mama" | April 2010

    ih Lucu 2 nya foto - foto moms n baby .. mo ikutan , tapi belum nemuin foto yang okeh nih.. sabar yaa para momod

    Lady Mama from curly Bia and having a great jOb on promotion