Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

ahahaha... iya bener banget tuh... fotonya hydration method galore.
thanks thal... nabung dulu deh pengen yg hydration bottle belt.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

baru tau ada ini:

simple hydration bottle.





lucu juga ya... bisa dipegang dan diselipin aja.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

wah lucu banget nit.. beneran simple ya


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

Haduuuh naksir berat sama hand helt bottle yg di share disini...tapi di jogja cari dimana yaaa????

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

tikatatum di sport station gitu kadang ada kan? Tapi gede2 sih. Gue beli online di sukaoutdoor,cuma denger2 handheld nike udah masuk indo,bisa di cek di amplaz. Kalo udah cek,gue mau dilaporin pandangan mata :p

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

terakhir ke nike store si belum ada lihat botol2 aneh gitu...kira2 harganya brapa yak itu yg nike??

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

200 atau 300 gitu kali ya? Gue sih dulu beli ga mahal,tapi ga tau masih ada atau ngga

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

kmrn minta bantuin temen nyari di jakarta..katanya si bilang belum masuk..entah belum atau gak masuk deh itu..uuhuuuuu

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

tikatatum - kalo nike handheld kayak yang ini, udah masuk kok. kemaren yustina baru aja ngeborong... hihihi.

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

belinya di nike grand indonesia. kayaknya ngga di semua nike ada deh.
baru tau yg ada sih di nike GI.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

haduh...udah beli lock and lock jadinya..hahaha..

yah pake yg ada dulu deh baru nabung lagi buat beli yg nike..hihihi

twit&ig : @tikatatum
enjoying married life with Mr. Molzki


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

ya ampun teh nit, itu baru liat simple hydration bottle. Kocak ya bisa diselip-selipin gitu.

Btw mo curhat. Karna cuman punya si handheld nike, jadi pas kemaren mo nyobain long run 15K gue memutuskan untuk lari di track (keliling kampus ITB) ga di jalan. Karna pasti handheld doang ga cukup apalagi sharing ama suami. Nah gue bawalah tempat minum sehari-hari gue (rubbermaid) dan gue taro di tempat start lari. Sampe KM-11 masih ada tuh, eh pas KM-13 jreeeeeng ilang dong. Jadi kayanya harus mulai beli nih. Butuh! Ya kan ya kan? *cari dukungan* :p

website : http://thebabybirds.net
twitter/IG : @almaviva


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

hah? gileee itu yg handheld nike sharing pula sama ing? ga akan cukup nyanyaaa... hihihi.
gw kalo 10K pake fuelbelt revenge R2O. botolnya dua dan isinya dikit sih. mayan lah. kalo masih haus, cari mamang2 jualan air minum.

gw suka sama fuelbelt revenge R2O ini soalnya pocketnya bisa masuk iphone, kartu2. jadi ringkes.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

ninit gue lagi nabung mau beli yang nathan deh. kayaknya emang bener kalo nathan lebih stay di tempat. soalnya fuelbelt gue selaen model lama, pocketnya masih kecil banget.. mulai annoyed karena suka naik2 ke atas gitu. kalo untuk 10K sih masih oke.. kalo udah long run di atas 15K, mayan annoying.

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

aduhhh shinta... gw kan beli fuelbelt ngikutin elo... hahaha masa harus beli nathan? :D

tapi sekarang gw udah menemukan posisi biar si fuelbelt itu ga naik2.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

ninit hihi.. bukannya elo punya yang nathan nit?

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

iyaaa punya shin tapi modelnya beda sama yg fuelbelt itu sih.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

pengen handheld bottlenya nike yg kyk punya chika, chiko & nyanya gitu deh....di nike GI lagi kosong :(
ada yg tau kah yg ready dimana? ato ada yg bersedia dititipin? *usaha* :D

-wife to a great husband, mother for alesya & arsyila-


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

Idem sama Cinta,kalo ada yang bisa dititip in mau banget,secara gue dipelosok gini :p

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

wahhhh ada temen nih yg sama2 nyari handheld bottle nya nike *lirik cindy*

nanya ama shinta & thalia nih....klo di SG nyari handheld bottle dimana kah? klo di setiap nike store selalu ada gak ya, ato hanya store tertentu?
plis info ya...thx

-wife to a great husband, mother for alesya & arsyila-


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

cinta - dulu sih susah nyarinya, cuma ada di toko2 tertentu. tapi sekarang, ampir di semua nike store ada... but subject to availability... suka abis, cin.

? comic and crochet addict ?
theurbanmama.com | @turniptopia


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

waaa di GI udah abis ya? dulu sih bertebaran banget loh cin. *pukpuk*
semoga cepet restock.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

Ini penampakan botol2 gue

Kiri hilly,kanan Nike

Akhirnya punya handheld-nya Nike,nitip Cinta

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

wah cindy...gw tadinya jg desperado nyari handheld bottle nike gak dpt2, tadinya udah mau beli hilly juga tuh, cuma masih ragu krn berasa kyk botol bayi :D

-wife to a great husband, mother for alesya & arsyila-


Topic: Hydration Bottle-Packs

cinta itu belinya pas handheld nike belum keluar di jakarta,daripada ngga ada,beli hilly deh. Itu botol2 yang make anak2 malah *tepokjidat*

Love my kids

twitter & IG : @ndiievania
blog : https://ndiievania.wordpress.com/