Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

urban papa tanggalnya udah oke tgl 18 ya, tapi tempat masih tba. so far masih ditentuin di urkit PP, tapi ada kemungkinan ganti nih.. nanti diumumin lagi kalo udah pasti.

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

ikut ah kalo di PP tgl 18 :)

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Kalo anak2 kecilnya sampai 15 orang, ke kidzania bisa diskon tuh :-D

Works hard, plays harder with his kids.
- Papa to Shavira & Arkan -


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

jadi kopdar di kidzania gitu?

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

thelilsoldier wrote:
jadi kopdar di kidzania gitu?

Hehehe, Vira baru mau ke Kidzania rabu besok, tadi buka websitenya, kalau 15 anak bisa cuma 65k per person. Lumayan kayaknya, tapi ya katanya bukan buat anak dibawah 4 tahun.

Works hard, plays harder with his kids.
- Papa to Shavira & Arkan -


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Ih mau ikut sih.. Btw aku mudiknya malah ke jakarta :P
Tp rencana tgl 18 dh dines, huhuhu :(

Rajuu is Rajwaa..
Corry is Bunda Adhya..


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Ikut-ikut..ikut-ikut...xi..xi...(pdhal ga di ajak, cuek euyyyy )

- Bunda bahagia dunia dan akhirat, InsyaAllah -


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

voting buat 18 :D tapi klo ada acara lain buat kopdar bertemu ibu2 moderators, jadi pengen ikut juga, hehee.

Yap, setuju di Urban Kitchen PP... deket dari pintu tol, deket dari mana-mana & deket sama rumah :P


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

mama papa,
kopdar gimana kalo di food kulture plz indonesia? soalnya bisa dapet diskon loh :)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

teh ninit kok bisa dapet diskon teh? :)


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

sukie bisa doongg.. TUM gitu loh! hihi... :P

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

yay asiiik asiiikk diskooooon!!! TUM makin cihuy aaah.. :-*

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

sLesta wah ngalamat banyak doorprize juga ini..hohoho..:)


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Dmana aja de akurrrr...yg ptg bs ktmuan ama smart mamas ;) *apalagi dgr diskonan hihi*


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal


Works hard, plays harder with his kids.
- Papa to Shavira & Arkan -


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

@bunnia halah, maap baru baca komennya-klewat-
Gue emang bisa nyanyi, tapi Bubun itu Masternya! :)*ajarin aku donk Buuun :)*
maap OOT*push up*


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Jadinya jam berapa? Pengen ikutan... kayaknya seminggu ke depan bakalan jarang banget internetan nih... jadi takut gak update sama beritanya...

"Some things you can give and give and not lose any. Things like happiness or love or my colours."
–Elmer and the Rainbow


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Plaza Indonesia juga oke,, malah semakin deket sama kosku. Horeee!

PP/PI terserah aja. Aku ikuutt..

Menjadi ibu =melatih kesabaran :)


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Dimana aja ikut lah pokoknya...........

Ibunya Mika yang selalu pengen punya waktu banyak buat Mika



Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

hixxxx....ga bisa ikutan lagi deh. ibu2 mods, bikin kopdar lagi dong awal Okt, rencana ke Jakarta lagi nih soalnya *ngarep dot com*

~ Diba's Bunda ~ Living by the shores of Matano Lake ~ Occassionally attempt to bake ~ Book lover


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Bu Mod ni acra nyari sponsor gak? Kyk produse Sufor or plengkapan baby?

Rajuu is Rajwaa..
Corry is Bunda Adhya..


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

Oiyeh, butuh wartawan juga gag untk ngeliput?

Rajuu is Rajwaa..
Corry is Bunda Adhya..


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

corry kenapa? lo kenal ada yg mau sponsorin? dan media juga? boleh tuh kalo ada yg mau :) silakan hub gue ke [email protected] .. tks ya!

? a worker by choice, a mom & wife by nature ?
owner - slesta.com | @slesta


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

yay setuju kalo PI apalagi kalo dapat diskon, aseeekkk.. bisa sekalian cuci mata di Brightspot *towel2 siskaknoch*


Topic: [Sep 18, 2010] KOPDAR: TUM Halal BiHalal

hmmm.. hmmm... mangut2... *masih nunggu keputusan akhirnya aja*

.. i'm just a girl, a woman, a daughter, a friend, a wife, and a mother..

Our llittle space : http://kakira.my.id/ /@rachanlie