Topic: Jam Tidur Bayi
I hear you Moms!
Gw juga sempet sampe research online berhari-hari to find the best solution for my baby’s sleep problem, karna beberapa kali gw udah kayak zombie siang dan malam. Setengah tidur setengah bangun, since my baby only slept briefly during the day and often interrupted by her wakings during the night.
Tapi Alhamdulillah most of the time, my baby’s sleep pattern ternyata lumayan bagus kalau dibandingin masalah yang dialami ibu-ibu di thread ini.
Mungkin karena seperti sebagian parents disini, gw udah terapin the difference between day and night, such as:
Night time: no stimulation (make the evening as boring as possible), dark room (korden kamar agak dibuka sedikit, jadi ada sedikit masukan cahaya dari lampu luar supaya bisa liat baby is ok, atau ketika bottle feeding her, i can still see her), no talk/kalau terpaksa ngomong, bisik-bisik.
Day time: more stimulation, more feeding, lots of cuddle/affection (I read somewhere that if baby had lots of affection during the day, she then feels content at night and help her to have a sound sleep. And I see from my own experience that it might be true).
Selain itu, rutin. All websites about baby sleep that I read suggested routine really help baby with their sleep pattern.
For my baby who is now 1 year old, her routine is:
Around 7 am: get up, nappy changing, jalan-jalan with the stroller around the neighbourhood, play
Around 8 am: breakfast, play
Around 9.30 or 10 am: nap for 45 minute to 1.5 hour
Around 12: lunch, play
Around 2 pm: another nap for 45 minute to 1.5 hour
Around 5 pm: dinner, play
Around 6 pm: another walk
6.30 pm: bath, pyjama, swaddle (i’m trying to wean her from the swaddle at the moment, she’s a 1 year old who still likes being swaddled!), bottle, dummy. And most of the time, she will fall asleep on her own (without any patting, rocking, or holding) within 5 or 10 minutes after she put the dummy to her mouth herself. Sometimes I have to sleep/pretend to sleep on my bed next to her cot, so that she could fall asleep.
7 pm: sleep time
She usually gets up around 6.30 or 7 am, during which, she would wake twice, around 10-11 pm, and 4-5 am for a bottle (and she usually will get back to sleep right away).
Her comfort/soothing thing: the dummy, the swaddle, sometimes pulling my hair or her own.
I used to co-sleep with her, but recently I put her to sleep in her cot in our bedroom.
What I learned from my baby is that baby sleep pattern always changed (well, my baby’s :-)). Most of the time, her sleep pattern seems ok, but sometimes ada waktunya terganggu (teething, growth development/new skill being acquired, etc). Temen-temen gw menghibur dengan bilang gini: that’s very normal dear, sekarang susah nidurin your baby, tapi nanti dia udah sekolah susah bangunin pagi-pagi untuk brangkat sekolah ... hehehe .. bener juga ... jadi sekarang ini gw ikutin aja pattern-nya dengan nerapin rutin nya sebisa mungkin, dan ketika dia bobok, gw sebisa mungkin bobok juga (luckily I work from home).
Anyway, ini salah satu website yang gw baca: