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Parenting / 10-12 Months

Aina couldn't be happier when we first put her on the Bumbo chair. i think she would've said, "Yay, i can see things other than ceilings!"

Taking Care the Baby Teeth
Teaching your child to brush is a task many parents may dread from one time or another. But it can actually be a fun activity, just follow these simple tips!

Recycling Disposable Diapers
Do you know you can recycle your baby's disposable diaper into a cloth diaper cover? Here's the do-it-yourself guidance how!

Baby Sign Language
Want to know more about the basics of Baby Sign Language? This book is a must read!

Sleepy Wrap
Begitu banyak pilihan baby wearing yang ditawarkan. Ada satu produk yang sangat saya rekomendasikan untuk anda. Tidak hanya urban mama, bahkan urban papa juga bisa memakainya.