

Merencanakan Dana Darurat (Emergency Fund)

Merencanakan Dana Darurat (Emergency Fund)

Memiliki dana darurat adalah hal yang penting untuk perencanaan keuangan keluarga. Berapa banyak dana darurat yang harus disiapkan? Dan apa saja yang harus dipikirkan untuk menyisihkan dana darurat ini?

A Celebration of Fun Activities for All Children

A Celebration of Fun Activities for All Children

Goelali Children's Film Festival is just around the corner on the 12th-20th June 2010 at Miniapolis, Plaza Indonesia. I was there to cover the Press Conference on last Thursday for

Mobil-mobilan Dari Kulit Jeruk Bali

Mobil-mobilan Dari Kulit Jeruk Bali

Saya berpendapat bahwa aktivitas di luar ruangan sangat penting bagi anak-anak. Kebetulan kami baru saja membeli jeruk bali, mengapa tidak membuat mobil-mobilan dari kulit jeruk bali?

Kids In Style Contest Winners

Kids In Style Contest Winners

For 3 days this week, we asked you to submit your kid's pictures in a "Kids In Style" mini-contest. We now have the winners, is your kid one of them?

Goelali Children's Film Festival

Goelali Children's Film Festival

Pilihan aktivitas seru bersama anak-anak di musim liburan ini? Nonton film bareng! Yuk datang ke Goelali Children's Film Festival pada tanggal 12-20 Juni 2010 di Miniapolis, Plaza Indonesia. A Celebration of Fun Activities for All Children.

Trunki - Luggage for Little People

Trunki - Luggage for Little People

When I decided that I need to travel by airplane with Naia on her toddler years, I'm not too quite sure that I would be able to handle the travel all by myself. Then I remember that I drooled over Trunki suitcase way before Naia was born. And it was a perfect traveling companion!

Kapan Sebaiknya Anak dibawa ke Dokter Gigi?

Kapan Sebaiknya Anak dibawa ke Dokter Gigi?

Dok, anak saya umur 4 tahun, belum pernah ke dokter gigi. Sebaiknya kapan ya anak dibawa ke dokter gigi? Terima kasih.

The Art Garden Exhibition

The Art Garden Exhibition

Interactive Art Exhibitions for kids are our favorite kinds of exhibition... and some are coming to Singapore in the next few weeks. This is one of them.

Manajemen ASIP Bagi Ibu Bekerja

Manajemen ASIP Bagi Ibu Bekerja

Menurut saya, salah satu kunci sukses pemberian ASI eksklusif adalah manajemen ASIP yang baik, terutama bagi para ibu yang bekerja di luar rumah. Dengan melakukan manajemen ASIP yang baik, diharapkan para ibu tidak stress menghitung persediaan ASIP yang makin menipis di rumah.

The Urban Mama Member Gathering

The Urban Mama Member Gathering

Finally, you can see in person the members you see everyday in our forum. How fun!