Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

harganya juga lucu. 350 us dollar aja. lucu kan? silakan pilih modelnya hehehe..

ok thank you ya

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

thelilsoldier ehemmmmmm mehel abisss,,, :(

btw mau sekalian ah review diaper bagnya Ghiffari my little handsome prince


Diaper Bag Skiphop Bagpack (udah ada mat buat alas ganti)
2 set baju ganti biasanya si jumper plus kaos kakinya
2 kaos dalem
1 selimut
1 topi
2 pampers (mamipoko)
1 cloth diaper
2 kantung plastik untuk buang dispo habis pakai (maafkan krn tidak go green)
baby cologne zwitsal buat kalo ganti baju
minyak telon ukuran mini
nappy cream (jarang dipake si)
lotion anti nyamuk (kalo pake jumper)
bib takut iler kemana mana
gendongan mothercare biar ga terlalu berat gendong
nursing cover
sapu tangan
handuk kecil untuk mengeringkan pantat
pembersih tangan antiseptik
tisu basah & tisu kering
breastpad buat mamanya :)
botol medela yang udah steril klo tiba tiba mesti mompa krn ghiffari bobo teruss :p


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

liactk itu beli diaper bag nya dmana? hrgnya brp? aq jg lagi hunting diaper bag nih tp yg bentuknya backpack gitu biar ayahnya juga mau bawa :)

every parents has their own parenting style. and every child has their own developmental timeline.


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

ririnungu dibeliin sama temans tapi mereka belinya di tokobunda.com harganya cek disitu aja ya hehe,,


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

ehm pas banget lagi nyari skiphop nih. di istana bayi sold out, bisa cari di mana lagi ya?

btw, gue tadi liat lagi tas lassig di mothercare. lucu banget deh, kayak tote bag biasa, warna hitam harganya Rp999.000 saja. yuk mari.. bangkrut gue ngasih kado semahal itu.

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

thelilsoldier,coba di baby parcel dot com. ada skiphop juga

ibu adalah sekolah pertama bagi anak- anaknya


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

thanks liactk dan ayutri

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

gw juga naksir sama lassig... kereeen! tapi harganya... huhuhuhhh... langsung bikin sedih haha.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

gue naksir dong sama okiedog!

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

okiedog itu ada di suzanna ya..gue liat iklan nya..tp blm liat penampakan nya sih
kayakk apa siiyy..adakah gambarnya di page2 sblm ini?

follow me @ini_dhita || www.inidhita.com ||


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

fabsfashion ~ iya di suzanna ada.. mereka ada facebooknya.coba ceki2 aja..

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

yang ky gini ya mer??


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

liactk ~ yep, salah satunya itu! tapi gue naksir ya nggak pink gitu sih :)

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

ada tuh okiedog yang warna abu-abu (seri bliss) lucu banget. harganya +/- 1.100.000 ajah... (harga di the children store pp)

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

thelilsoldier ~ WHAT! gue baru tau ternyata semahal itu! :'(

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

thelilsoldier wrote:
ada tuh okiedog yang warna abu-abu (seri bliss) lucu banget. harganya +/- 1.100.000 ajah... (harga di the children store pp)

masih mahalan si baby petunia kok wakaka,,


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

waaaah, gue nggak deh sama diaper bag yg mahal2 gt, cukup puas sm si Oshkosh B'gosh!

heyho.. mama mer is in the house yoo..


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

gimana yah.. emak-emak kalo cuci mata harus yang gak mampu beli gitu hihihi

ada sih yang 600rb-an, tapi bukan yg bermotif kayak gambar di atas indang.

And thelilsolder is back. Fire!


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

liactk & ayutri, thanks buat infonya. meluncur utk mengecek harga.
btw ada yg udah pernah pake yg lokal punya ga? kayak yg HDY.

every parents has their own parenting style. and every child has their own developmental timeline.


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

okiedog emang lucu2 yah... yg gambar di atas lucu bangeeed! :p

btw... HDY bagus2 deh diaper bag-nya... klik banner yg ada di forum, ada tote-nya tuh. lucuuu! :)

osh kosh diaper bag-nya lucu2 juga ya... ngeliat di blog udah ada bbrp yg pake. bagusss.

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

Halo mamas.. ikutan share ya..
Nama anak: Miguel Maliq Javier Knoch, 6 mo


who carries the bag? (mom/dad/nanny)
most of the time mom n nanny.. daddy only carry during the weekend :p

Diaper bagnya Miguel by Allerhand, carry on - red.
Senengnya carry on tuh dia punya 2 sisi..
Sisi satu dipake untuk:
* 1 set baju ganti (tshirt+pants+sock)
* 1 jacket + kupluk
* 2 cloth diaper
* 1 dispo diaper by mamipoko
* 3 washcloth (sebenernya dua ud cukup, tapi tetep isi 3 krn allerhand byk bgt selipan kecilnya :p )
* bedong
* tisu kering+ tisu basah non alcohol
* cotton buds
* buku imunisasi Miguel
* soft book/small toys

1 pouch baby cosmetic: minyak telon, baby oil, sebamed diaper rush, sebamed baby lotion,zwitsal hair lotion n two in one wash.

Sisi satunya dipake buat isi:
* hot watter bottle 0,5L
* teether
* 1 peagon bottle
* baby biscuit
* homemade mpasi
* slabber
* spoon
* plastic bag

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

bentuknya gini ..

kalo poto tas lengkap dengan isinya menyusul yaa mamass :)

Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

siska knoch...
chikaaa... disubmit dong diaper bag-nya ;) http://theurbanmama.com/article/submit/

ayo! jangan ragu2 ;)

? love to write and run - a bus transjakarta passenger ?


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

ini penampakan aslinyaaa :)


Miguel is my Rocktober Baby


Topic: Diaper Bag Etc

moms...sharing donk tips nya klo lagi jalan2 ma si kecil supaya bawaan ringkas n dikit.anakku 8bln dah mulai makan, aku klo jjs bawaan ky orang mau mudik deh ;p krn bawa makanan sendiri, susu, baju...gimana ya supaya praktis

*mama si unyil ganteng*