Topic: To Eat Or Not To Eat
Halo moms, ikutan sharing ya...
Sekarang gw lagi hamil 30 wk dan dasarnya gw cintaaaa... banget sama greentea, dari mulai yang asli minuman ampe eskrim dan cheesecake greentea, semua gw suka. Nyam!
Tapi ternyata pas udah ketauan hamil ada temen kantor yang bilang kalau mendingan dibatasin aja, karena ada beberapa pendapat yang bilang kalau green tea itu bisa berpengaruh pada level asam folat di badan. Meskipun sebetulnya bukti2 yang mendukung teori ini masih belum kuat.
Ini quote dari website babycentre:
Some doctors are concerned that green tea may affect the body's folic acid (also called folate) levels. Folic acid is an important nutrient during pregnancy. One study linked neural tube defects in babies, such as spina bifida, to women drinking a large amount of green tea at around the time of conception. Spina bifida is a serious condition, which occurs when the tube around the central nervous system - the neural tube - fails to close completely. Neural tube defects such as spina bifida are usually associated with folic acid deficiency.
Selain itu juga kabar2nya sih... kafein di teh, kopi dll bisa bikin penyerapan zat besi ke badan berkurang (udah ada yang bahas ini belum ya di depan2?)
Ini quote satu lagi dari buzzle. com
The Danish study found that drinking 8 cups or more of coffee per day (this would be about 16 cups or more of tea), would increase the chances of miscarriage, or stillbirth, by 60% compared to women who did not drink caffeine. They also found that moderate coffee or tea drinking did not pose significant risks. For those drinking half a cup to 3 cups of coffee a day, the risk of fetal death was 3% higher compared to non-caffeine drinkers. And for those drinking 4 to 7 cups of coffee a day, the risk increases to 33%. One cup of coffee equals about 2 cups of tea when comparing caffeine levels. The recommended amount of coffee drunk is up to 3 cups daily, or 6 cups of tea, by the UK food agency.
Silakan diklarifikasi kalau ada mamas lain yang lebih expert ya... Kalau gw mah modalnya cuma google n gosip ibu2 kantor doang hehehe...
Btw mods, maaf nih posting perdana jadi masih agak2 bingung, boleh copy paste link ke artikel nggak ya?