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![Puding Sutera Mangga](
Puding Sutera Mangga
Disebut puding sutera karena memang teksturnya yang lembut membelai lidah.
![Puding Jayam](
Puding Jayam
Jadi, mari kita "sembunyikan" sayuran yang tidak disukai si kecil ke dalam makanan favoritnya. Cara yang paling mudah supaya anak mengkonsumsi sayuran.
![Cheese Ball](
Cheese Ball
Saya paling suka bikin cheese ball. Bahannya gampang, bikinnya simple, rasanya enak dan gizinya tinggi.
![Self Frosting Hazelnut Cupcake](
Self Frosting Hazelnut Cupcake
Mau bikin cupcake tapi tidak bisa (atau malas) menghiasnya? Coba resep ini, tampilannya sudah bagus tanpa hiasan tambahan.
![The Joy of Apple Pie Baking](
The Joy of Apple Pie Baking
Serunya memasak Apple Pie ini adalah: dimasak berdua suami sebagai pengganti acara kencan-sore kami berdua. Begitu matang, nikmati sambil minum teh & ngopi-ngopi sore. Heaven!
![Fresh Berries & Orange Mascarpone Tart](
Fresh Berries & Orange Mascarpone Tart
This is the tart that we made on our recent baking playdate. It's light, it's refreshing and so yummy!
![Vanilla Cupcake with Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Frosting](
Vanilla Cupcake with Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Frosting
Resep cupcake dan frosting yang yummy dan simpel. Favorit keluarga kami.
![From Gorontalo With Bilendango](
From Gorontalo With Bilendango
Ibu saya berasal dari Gorontalo. Sejak kecil, ibu terkadang masak makanan khas Gorontalo untuk kami semua. Salah satunya Bilendago ini.
![Quick Cinnamon Rolls](
Quick Cinnamon Rolls
The traditional cinnamon rolls recipe requires yeast in the ingredients, which means you need to let it sit awhile, or even overnight. I modified the recipe so that you can make it within 1 hour, without the yeast, and of course.. the wait! But most importantly, still tastes as good ..
![Banana Cake](
Banana Cake
This is my first cake ever. After contemplating what cake should be my first then I choose Banana Cake. And the result, it's deliciously moist and sweet.