Member Profile

Imelda Sutarno

Imelda Sutarno



A working mom with two gorgeous krucils. Suddenly love the outdoor recreations as an impact of married with her scuba diver husband, Bambang. Take the kids from beach to the hill, from forest to the waterfall, will always give her (and her husband) joy and enthusiastic. Cooking isn’t her middle name but always trying to give her family the best food that she can. Now she lives in Jakarta.

Latest Forum Posts

  1. Sunat untuk Anak Laki-laki

    2019-06-17 16:52:02
  2. Benjolan di Payudara

    2017-05-12 16:20:17
  3. [Jakarta - 2017] #TUMLuncheon Maret

    2017-03-10 08:57:28
  4. Persiapan Anak Masuk SD Kelas 1

    2017-01-05 11:54:25
  5. [2016] #TUMPhotoCompetition : #PakaiPampers

    2016-11-18 11:26:55
  6. Epilepsi

    2016-10-12 17:37:23
  7. All About Coffee

    2016-09-06 10:37:05
  8. Resolusi 2016

    2016-01-22 18:51:42
  9. SD Negeri- Jakarta Timur

    2015-12-08 10:07:11
  10. [Survey] Biaya Sekolah di Jabodetabek

    2015-12-04 15:59:41